
唐墓地轴的再认识——兼谈唐代镇墓俑组合 被引量:1

Rethinking of Dizhou in Tang Tombs:Also on the Combination of Tomb-guarding Figurines in Tang Dynasty
摘要 唐代丧葬明器中,学界对四神和地轴的名称多有讨论。通过解读唐宋相关文献记载,唐代四神可确认为“当圹、当野、祖明、祖思”。“地轴”在唐代即已出现,但并非四神之一,而是与四神并存的明器。结合“地轴”题名和唐墓双首蛇身俑的出土情况,可明确双首蛇身俑就是地轴。地轴具有一身两头的基本特征,蛇身或平卧或拱起,主要流行于唐代早期,以高宗武周时期最为盛行。分布地域较广,南北各地均有,以山西长治、辽宁朝阳、河北南部及湖南长沙出土最多。唐墓四神、地轴、十二生肖及其它镇墓神怪俑以不同的组合关系流行于不同时期、不同地域。 The Tang Dynasty was the peak of China’s art of ceramic sculpture,during which the figurines of human and animals were created vividly and exquisitely with a rich variety of themes.Tomb-guarding figurine was a characteristic funerary objects of the Tang Dynasty,which had a profound influence on the mystical tomb-warding figurines afterwards.The most common tomb-guarding figurines of Tang Dynasty were the four supernatural beings in the form of two warriors and two beasts and the twelve Chinese zodiac signs in the form of animals.A type of funerary object called Dizhou地轴has also drawn the attention of many scholars with a heated discussion of the relationship between the four supernatural beings and Dizhou.Previously,some scholars believed that Dizhou was one of the four supernatural beings.Through the interpretation of historical documents of the Tang and Song dynasties,the author considers the four supernatural beings to be Dangkuang当圹,Dangye当野,Zuming祖明and Zusi祖思.Dizhou had appeared in Tang Dynasty,not as one of the four supernatural beings,but an accompanying object with them.There are two inscriptions of“地轴”discovered through archaeological excavations,one is in the early 5th century Koguryo mural,and the other is on an inscription brick in a tomb of Yuan Dynasty,which both prove that the basic feature of Dizhou is a body shared by two heads.The large number of double-headed snake figurines unearthed from Tang tombs are therefore identified as Dizhou,which can be further divided into six types.It prevailed in the early Tang Dynasty,with the highest concentration in the reign of Emperor Gaozong and Wu-Zhou period.It widely distributed in the north and south,most commonly unearthed in Changzhi of Shanxi,Chaoyang of Liaoning,Southern Hebei and Changsha of Hunan,only one piece appears at a time in each tomb.In the Tang tombs,the four supernatural beings,Dizhou,the twelve Chinese zodiac signs and other tombguarding figurines prevailed in various spatial-temporal distributions with different combinations.The author compiles four combinations,and puts forth a summary of the time and place of the prevalence of each combination.Generally speaking,the combination of the four supernatural beings and Dizhou prevailed earlier than the combination of the four supernatural beings and the twelve Chinese zodiac signs.
作者 张永珍 Zhang Yongzhen
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2022年第4期68-76,共9页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
关键词 唐代 明器 地轴 四神 双首蛇身俑 Tang Dynasty Funerary objects Dizhou the Four supernatural beings Figurine with double heads sharing a snake body
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