中国运营高铁已突破4万km,为打造“中国高铁”这张世界名片提供装备支撑的分体式架桥机,目前还没有文献对其发展与创新方面进行系统梳理。基于此,介绍了高铁分体式架桥机的概念、分类;简述了高铁分体式架桥机发展历程,并按架设箱梁的跨度、起重量把其发展分为三个阶段(第一阶段为24 m/600 t级分体式架桥机,第二阶段为32 m/900 t级分体式架桥机,第三阶段为40 m/1000 t级分体式架桥机);采用穷举法分析了各阶段高铁分体式架桥机的典型机型(第一阶段4种、第二阶段20种、第三阶段5种);剖析了各型号架桥机的组成、主要技术参数、架梁原理、主要技术特点与创新点;总结了各阶段分体式架桥机的研制特点、整体创新及研制意义。得出中国高铁简支箱梁分体式架桥机:(1)发展历经三个阶段,各阶段都有创新;(2)种类多、型式多,有导梁式、步履式、走行式,也有单主梁式、双主梁式、四主梁式,有定点起吊与非定点起吊,也有轮轨走行与轮胎走行,有3、4、5、6条支腿的,更有运梁车上设支腿(或大横垫梁)来辅助架梁的;(3)整体研制水平处于国际领先地位。并指出下一步40 m/1000 t级分体式架桥机的研制方向,可为同行参考。
The operating mileage of high-speed railway in China has exceeded 40000 km.However,the transportation-erection separation type bridge machine which provides equipment support for building the world business card of“China High-speed Railway”,has not yet been systematically sorted out in the literature on its development and innovation.Based on this,this paper introduces the concept and classification of high-speed railway transportation-erection separation type bridge machine;briefly describes the development history of high-speed railway transportation-erection separation type bridge machine,and divides its development into three stages according to the span and loading capacity of box girder erection(the first stage is 24 m/600 t transportation-erection separation type bridge machine,the second stage is 32 m/900 t transportation-erection separation type bridge machine,and the third stage is 40 m/1000 t transportation-erection separation type bridge machine);the typical models of high-speed railway transportation-erection separation type bridge machine in each stage(4 types in the first stage,20 types in the second stage and 5 types in the third stage)are analyzed by exhaustive method;the composition,main technical parameters,girder erection principle,main technical characteristics and innovation points of each type of girder-erecting machine are analyzed;the development characteristics,overall innovation and development significance of the transportation-erection separation type bridge machine in each stage are summarized.It is concluded that the transportation-erection separation type bridge machine for simply supported box girder of high-speed railway in China:(1)the development has gone through three stages,and there are innovations in each stage;(2)the kinds and types are various,including girder-guiding type,step-moving type,traveling type,and single main girder type,double main girder type,four main girder type,there are fixed-point lifting and non fixed-point lifting,and wheel rail running and tire running,not only 3,4,5,6 outriggers,but also an outrigger(or a large horizontal pad beam)set on the girder transporter to assist in girder erection;(3)the overall development level is in an international leading position.It also points out the next development direction of 40 m/1000 t transportation-erection separation type bridge machine,which can be used as a reference for peers.
HE Jianhua(China Railway Fifth Survey and Design Institute Group Co.Ltd.,Beijing 102600,China)
Railway Construction Technology
high-speed railway
1000 t/40 m simply supported box girder
girder-erecting machine
transportation-erection separation type bridge machine
China High-speed Railway
girder-guiding type
step-moving type
traveling type