

Study on factors affecting characteristic quantity of flame under condition of fast cook-off
摘要 建立了池火的快速烤燃模型,分析了烤燃过程中油池尺寸变化引起火焰结构变化的过程,还分析了不同尺寸、不同位置的试件对火焰特征量的影响。研究结果表明:随着油池长宽比的增加,火焰结构由类柱状体变化到扁锥状体,火焰的高度也会变化;当试件底部距离油面390 mm,油池长边与试件长度的比值为7.11,油池长宽比为1.3时,试件周围火焰温度能持续在800℃以上;试件的偏置量、试件与油面的距离是影响试件周围火焰温度的重要因素。 In order to study the effect of specimens on the flame characteristic quantity under the condition of fast cook-off,a fast cook-off model of pool fire was established,and the flame structure change caused by the change of the size of oil pool and the effect of specimens with different sizes and positions on the flame characteristic quantity were analyzed.The results show that with the increase of length-width ratio of oil pool,the flame structure changes from cylinder-like to flat cone,and the flame height also changes.When the bottom of the specimen is 390 mm away from the oil surface,the ratio of the long edge of the oil pool to the length of the specimen is 7.11,and the length to width ratio of the oil pool is 1.3,the flame temperature around the specimen can be maintained above 800℃.At the same time,the amount of bias of the specimen and the distance between the specimen and the oil surface are important factors affecting the flame temperature around the specimen.
作者 肖游 智小琦 王琦 王帅 XIAO You;ZHI Xiaoqi;WANG Qi;WANG Shuai(School of Electromechanical Engineering,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China;Science and Technology on Aerospace Chemical Power Laboratory,Hubei Institute of Aerospace Chemical Technology,Xiangyang 441003,China)
出处 《兵器装备工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期26-35,共10页 Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering
关键词 快速烤燃 数值模拟 池火 油池尺寸 火焰特征量 fast cook-off numerical simulation pool fire pool size flame characteristic
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