

Modeling of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applacation and effects of fertilization on chive
摘要 探究氮、磷、钾施肥量对香葱的影响,建立氮、磷、钾施肥模型,为香葱化肥减施提供理论依据。基于“3414”肥料模型,以“柳江3号”香葱为试验材料,分析不同氮磷钾施用组合对香葱生长农艺性状、产量、品质、肥料效应及利用率的影响。结果表明,氮肥的贡献大于磷肥大于钾肥,综合产量、品质、肥料利用率等各项数据,当氮、磷、钾施用量处于N_(2)P_(3)K_(2)水平(N:276 kg/hm^(2)、P_(2)O_(5):202.5 kg/hm^(2)、K_(2)O:270 kg/hm^(2))时,香葱可获得最优效益。通过拟合函数模型以及频率分析法修正氮、磷、钾施用量,当施用氮(N)197.41~255.98 kg/hm^(2)、磷(P_(2)O_(5))202.50 kg/hm^(2)、钾(K_(2)O)193.12~250.42 kg/hm^(2)(N∶P_(2)O_(5)∶K_(2)O=0.97~1.26∶1.00∶0.95~1.24)时,种植香葱可获得的经济效益及生态效益最优。 This paper aimed to explore the effect of N,P and K fertilization on chives,and establish a N,P and K fertilization model to provide a theoretical basis for the reduction of N,P and K fertilizers on chives.Based on the“3414”fertilizer model,the effects of different N,P and K application combinations on the growth,agronomic traits,yield,quality,fertilizer effect and utilization efficien⁃cy were studied through analyzing“Liujiang 3 chive”.The results showed that the contribution of N was greater than that of P and K.According to the yield,quality and fertilizer utilization rate,the best benefit of chive could be obtained when N,P and K were applied at N_(2)P_(3)K_(2) level(N 276 kg/hm^(2),P_(2)O_(5)202.5 kg/hm^(2),K_(2)O 270 kg/hm^(2)).The application rates of N,P and K were corrected by fitting function model and frequency analysis.When N(N)197.41~255.98 kg/hm^(2),P(P_(2)O_(5))202.50 kg/hm^(2),K(K_(2)O)193.12~250.42 kg/hm^(2)(N∶P_(2)O_(5)∶K_(2)O=0.97~1.26∶1.00∶0.95~1.24)were applied,the economic and ecological benefits of chive were the best.
作者 宋焕忠 蒋万 陈琴 郭元元 张力 李洋 覃振普 韦丹 陈振东 SONG Huan-zhong;JIANG Wan;CHEN Qin;GUO Yuan-yuan;ZHANG Li;LI Yang;QIN Zhen-pu;WEI Dan;CHEN Zhen-dong(Vegetable Research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530007,China;Changde Agriculture and Forestry Science Academy,Changde 415000,Hunan,China;Guangxi Vegetable Breeding and New Technology Research Laboratory,Nanning 530007,China;Liujiang District Vegetable Production Technology Extension Station,Liuzhou 545100,Guangxi,China)
出处 《湖北农业科学》 2022年第16期24-29,51,共7页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0201209) 广西农业科学院基本科研业务专项项目(桂农科2021YT101)。
关键词 香葱 “3414”模型 产量 肥料效应 利用率 chive “3414”model yield fertilizer effect utilization ratio
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