
基于CiteSpace可视化分析川乌研究热点与发展趋势 被引量:2

Visual Analysis of Research Hotspots and Development Trends in Aconiti Radix Based on CiteSpace
摘要 目的:川乌功善祛风除湿、温经止痛,临床应用历史悠久,因而探索近年来川乌研究情况、热点及趋势。方法:运用CiteSpace软件,结合文献计量学方法,可视化呈现文献研究作者、机构、关键词等内容,分析川乌研究热点及发展趋势。结果:检索中国知网、Web of Science核心集数据库,建立川乌相关研究文献数据集,经筛选最终纳入中文文献1426篇,英文文献439篇。中、英文文献作者分析结果表明,刘佳和Zhiqiang Liu是川乌研究发文量最多的作者,并形成稳定的核心研究团队;发文机构分析显示,北京中医药大学和成都中医药大学分别是川乌中文和英文文献发文量最多的研究机构,但机构间合作缺乏;中英文关键词分析显示,川乌研究热点主要聚焦川乌化学成分分析及其抗炎与毒性机制研究,以及减毒增效炮制及机制研究与“十八反”重认识研究。结论:预测川乌研究趋势为:川乌新型炮制工艺研究,从组学层面对川乌药理/毒性及其配伍减毒/增效机制具体通路研究,以及融合信息技术对川乌及其配伍数据挖掘研究。 Objective:Aconiti Radix has been widely used in clinic with dispelling wind and removing dampness,warming meridians and relieving pain.It is of great significance to explore its research situation,hot spots and trends in recent years.Methods:This study systematically searched the database of CNKI and the core set of Web of Science,used bibliometrics research methods and CiteSpace software to construct the knowledge map for visual presentation of the research authors,research institutions and keywords,and analyzed the research status and development trend of Aconiti Radixwith information extraction method.Results:After the screening,1426literatures in Chinese and 439literatures in English were included.The analysis of Chinese and English authors showed that Liu Jia and Lu Zhiqiang were the authors with the most papers and a stable research team.According to the analysis of publishing institutions,Beijing University of TCM and Chengdu University of TCM were the research institutions with the largest amount of Chinese and English literature,respectively.The cooperation between Chinese institutions is less,while that between English institutions is closer.According to the analysis of keywords in Chinese and English literature,the research focuses on the analysis of chemical constituents of AconitiRadixand its anti-inflammatory and toxic mechanisms,the processing and mechanism of reducing toxicity and enhancing effectiveness,and the recognition of the“eighteen incompatible medicaments”.Conclusion:It is further predicted that the research trend of Aconiti Radixis the new processing technology research,the specific pathway research of pharmacology/toxicity,and the mechanism of toxicity reduction/synergism of Aconiti Radixfrom the perspective of omics,as well as the data mining research on Aconiti Radixand its compatibility with integrated information technology.This study provides a possible reference for the future research direction of Aconiti Radix,in order to promote the in-depth study of Aconiti Radixand better serve the clinic.
作者 萧文科 许雅馨 甘彦雄 敬丽佳 孟宪丽 温川飙 郑世超 Xiao Wenke;Xu Yaxin;Gan Yanxiong;Jing Lijia;Meng Xianli;Wen Chuanbiao;Zheng Shichao(School of Medical Information Engineering,Chengdu University of TCM,Chengdu 610075,China;School of Pharmacy,Chengdu University of TCM,Chengdu 610075,China;Innovation Institute of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy,Chengdu University of TCM,Chengdu 610075,China)
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2022年第9期122-131,共10页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(81703825) 四川省科技计划(2021YJ0254)。
关键词 川乌 CITESPACE 知识图谱 可视化分析 文献计量学 Aconiti Radix CiteSpace Knowledge Map Visualization Analysis Bibliometrics
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