

The Influence of Buyer Countervailing Power on Resale Price Maintenance:Taking China's Books Industry as an Example
摘要 数字经济背景下大型网商崛起和消费者多样化偏好的经济现实使买方抗衡势力成为实施转售价格维持制度的重要考量因素。基于Dixit-Stiglitz模型,分析买方抗衡势力对转售价格维持的影响,研究表明:(1)自由定价合约下,大型网商买方抗衡势力使得产品价格降低,产品种类减少,导致种类扭曲,损害消费者福利和社会福利;(2)固定转售价格维持合约下,大型网商买方抗衡势力使得产品价格提升,产品种类减少,导致价格和种类双重扭曲,加剧消费者福利与社会福利损失;(3)无论是在自由定价合约还是在固定转售价格维持合约中,大型网商买方抗衡势力都将导致水床效应和负纵向外部性;(4)通过对图书行业的案例分析发现,大型网商买方抗衡势力导致图书市场的“高定价、低折扣、少品种”,阻碍图书市场的高质量发展;(5)反垄断执法机构需加强对买方抗衡势力与转售价格维持交叉经济效应的评估和分析。因此,应将买方抗衡势力纳入分析框架,利用大数据等数字技术方式判断实施转售价格维持是否具有正当性及对消费者福利和社会福利的影响,为企业战略决策和反垄断执法提供新依据。 Against the backdrop of digital economy,with the increasing number of large online retailers and the increasing diversity in consumer preference,buyer countervailing power has become an important consideration for the implementation of resale price maintenance.Based on the Dixit-Stiglitz model,this paper analyzes the influence of buyer countervailing power on resale price maintenance.This research shows that:(1)Under the free pricing contract,buyer countervailing power of large online retailers could reduce the product prices and the product categories,which leads to the distortion of the product categories and damages the consumers'welfare and social welfare;(2)Under the fixed resale price maintenance contract,buyer countervailing power of large online retailers could increase the price of products and reduce the product categories,leading to the double distortion of prices and categories,and aggravating the loss of consumers'welfare and the social welfare;(3)Whether in free pricing contracts or fixed resale price maintenance contracts,buyer countervailing power of large online retailers will lead to waterbed effects and negative vertical externalities;(4)Through the case analysis of the book industry,it is found that buyer countervailing power of large online retailers contributes to“high price,low discount and less variety”in the book market,which hinders the high-quality development of the book market;(5)Antitrust enforcement agencies should strengthen the evaluation and analysis of the cross-economic effect between buyer countervailing power and resale price maintenance.Therefore,buyer countervailing power should be included in the analysis framework,and the use of digital technology,such as big data,is to judge whether the implementation of resale price maintenance is justified and its impact on consumer welfare and social welfare.And it also provides a basis for corporate strategic decision-making and antitrust enforcement.
作者 李春利 高良谋 安岗 LI Chun-li;GAO Liang-mou;AN Gang
出处 《产经评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期35-51,共17页 Industrial Economic Review
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“新组织理论和组织治理研究”(项目编号:11&ZD153,项目负责人:高良谋) 东北财经大学博士研究生科研项目“平台组织的形成与演化研究--基于技术与制度协同演化视角”(项目编号:GSY2021011,项目负责人:李春利) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“基于本土市场效应的大国内生性特征对创新的影响机理研究”(项目编号:18YJA790002,项目负责人:安岗)。
关键词 数字经济 买方抗衡势力 转售价格维持 图书行业 Dixit-Stiglitz模型 digital economy buyer countervailing power resale price maintenance book industry Dixit-Stiglitz model
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