

The Application of Natural Language Processing Technology in the Research of News Reporting Frame
摘要 借助于人工分析的传统式报道框架研究方法很难处理新闻大数据,自然语言处理技术应用于传播学的报道框架分析成为必然趋势。基于归纳思想的词典方法和基于演绎思想的句法方法是两种主要的应用自然语言处理技术的框架分析法,它们在思想基础、操作方法上都存在着区别。以语义网络分析法提取华为新闻大数据中的报道框架为实证案例,详细说明了自然语言处理技术在新闻报道中的实际应用。自然语言处理技术在报道框架研究中的应用有一定的使用情境要求和需要改进的地方。 It is difficult to deal with big news data by means of the traditional news reporting frame approaches with manual analysis,and the application of natural language processing(NLP)technology in the news reporting frame analysis of communication has become an inevitable trend.Dictionary-based approaches based on inductive thought and syntactical approaches based on deductive thought,as two main news reporting frame analysis,are two main framework analysis methods for applying NLP technology,which have differences in their ideological basis and operation methods.As an empirical case,the news reporting frame in Huawei's news big data was extracted by semantic network analysis to illustrate the practical application of NLP technology in news frame reporting analysis.However,the application of NLP technology in news frame research has certain usage situations and areas that need to be improved.
作者 彭丽霞 PENG Lixia(School of Journalism and Communication,Minjiang University,Fuzhou 350108,China)
出处 《三明学院学报》 2022年第4期56-62,共7页 Journal of Sanming University
基金 福建省社会科学基金项目(FJ2021C060) 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目(JAS21258) 闽江学院校级科研项目(MYS21016)。
关键词 自然语言处理技术 报道框架 语义网络分析 natural language processing technology news reporting frame semantic network analysis
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