

The core meaning,historical influence and contemporary enlightenment of Jiang Menglin's sports concept,a famous educator in modern times
摘要 运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对蒋梦麟体育观进行探究。研究认为:蒋梦麟的体育观形成源于儒家“经世致用”理念、西方“科学主义”精神、杜威“实用主义”思想。蒋梦麟体育观核心要义为体育的本位价值在于社会进化与强民强国;体育教育的目标在于发挥学生身体潜能;儿童体育教育的原则在于遵从天性;体育与美育融合意义在于身心协同发展。以上体育观促进了外国教育思想在中国的传播、推动了我国高等体育教育事业发展、开辟了体育与美育融合发展的新路。结合当下的体育教育现状,提出4点启示:有助于树立“体育促进健康中国发展”的全局意识;有助于实施“因材施教”的教学原则;有助于遵循“儿童天性发展”的教学原理;有助于强化“音体美融合发展”的教育理念。 Using the methods of literature and logical analysis,this paper probes into Jiang Menglin's sports concept.The results show that the formation of Jiang Menglin's sports concept originates from the Confucian concept of"practical application",the western spirit of"scientism"and Dewey's thought of"pragmatism".The core meaning of Jiang Menglin's sports concept is"the standard value of physical education lies in social evolution and strengthening the people and the country;the goal of physical education lies in giving full play to students'physical potential;the principle of children's physical education lies in following nature;the significance of the integration of physical education and aesthetic education lies in the coordinated development of body and mind.The above concept of physical education has promoted the dissemination of foreign educational ideas in China,promoting the development of China's higher physical education,and opening up a new way of integrated development of physical education and aesthetic education.On this basis,combined with the current situation of physical education,this paper puts forward four enlightenment:it is helpful to establish the overall consciousness of"sports promoting the healthy development of China";to implement the teaching principle of"teaching students according to their aptitude";to follow the teaching principle of"children's natural development";to strengthen the educational concept of"integrated development of music,physical education and arts".
作者 周妍 李启迪 ZHOU Yan;LI Qidi(Xingzhi College,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China;School of Physical Education and Health Sciences,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China)
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期22-28,共7页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“中国近现代体育教育家学校体育观及其对学校体育发展的影响研究”(17ATY008)。
关键词 体育观 社会进化 潜能 天性 蒋梦麟 sports concept social evolution potential nature Jiang Menglin
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