

A Study on the Changes of Self-Identity of Foreign Students in Yunnan Province
摘要 语言的学习不仅是对语言(文化)知识技能的掌握,同时在这过程中学习者的自我认同也会产生一定的变化。该文选取了云南省116名留学生作为研究对象,考察了自我认同变化情况,通过SPSS 20软件统计分析得出,学习汉语成功与否极大影响到学生对于自信心的建构,留学生在汉语学习过程中经历了消减性、附加性、生产性、分裂性的认同变化,其中附加性变化得分最高,分裂性变化得分最低,是否华裔对消减性变化的影响最大,留学生的学习时长对自信(正)、分裂性变化有显著的影响,留学生的HSK水平对自信(正)、附加性变化有显著影响。 Language learning is a complex process, which not only means the mastery of language(cultural)knowledge and skills, but also changes of learners’ self-identity. This paper selects 116 foreign students in Yunnan Province as the research object to investigate the changes of self-identity. Through the statistical analysis of SPSS 20software, it is concluded that the success of learning Chinese has a great impact on the construction of students’ self-confidence. Foreign students have experienced subtractive, additive, productive and divisive identity changes in the process of Chinese learning, among which the score of additive change is the highest, and the score of divisive change is the lowest. Whether Chinese Americans have a greatest impact on subtractive change, the learning time of foreign students has a significant impact on self-confidence(positive) and divisive change, and the HSK level of foreign students has a significant impact on self-confidence(positive) and additive change.
作者 周燕飞 ZHOU Yanfei(Yunnan Normal University,Kunming Yunnan,650500,China)
机构地区 云南师范大学
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2022年第20期179-182,共4页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目“来华留学生自我认同变化实证研究”(项目编号:2019J0100)。
关键词 来华留学生 语言学习 自我认同变化 Foreign students in China Language learning Changes in self-identity
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