

Theoretical Investigation on the Limiting Factors of Generation of Strongly Squeezed Vacuum
摘要 采用数值模拟的方法,研究了OPO低于阈值的参量下转换过程中制备高压缩度压缩真空对系统参数的依赖性。结果表明,OPO光学损耗可以显著降低量子噪声压缩水平,压缩光的相对相位起伏也会使探测到的压缩水平明显降低。因此,通过降低OPO的内腔损耗、降低泵浦光功率起伏,提高BHD中锁相伺服系统的稳定性,以及优化探测效率都可以提高压缩真空的压缩度。 Based on the subthreshold parametricdownconversion process in the OPO,we have theoretically investigated the dependence of the strongly squeezed vacuum generation and detection on the system parameters.The results show that,the optical losses can significantly reduce the degree of squeezing;the relative phase fluctuations further deteriorate the level of detected squeezing.One can optimize the quadrature squeezed light by decreasing intracavity loss of OPO,reducing pump power fluctuation and improving the stability of the phase-locking servo system in balanced HD and optimizing the detection efficiency.
作者 孔慧君 刘琳霞 KONG Huijun;LIU Linxia(School of Science,Henan Institute of Technology,Xinxiang 453003,China)
出处 《河南工学院学报》 CAS 2022年第4期32-35,共4页 Journal of Henan Institute of Technology
关键词 非经典光场 压缩真空:光学参量振荡腔(OPO) nonclassical light squeezed vacuum optical parametric oscillator(OPO)
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