针对国内分光测色仪研制技术受制于人的困境,该本采用模块化方案设计并研制1套分光测色仪,从积分球照明系统、光谱探测系统、硬件电路和软件系统几个方面进行方案分析,硬件电路核心电子元器件均采用国产化方案。试验表明,研制的分光测色仪光谱范围为355~785 nm,波长准确度小于0.3 nm,CIELAB系统测色误差重复性达到0.01。
In view of the dilemma that the core technology of spectrophotometer is subject to foreign countries, a set of spectrophotometer is designed and developed by using modular design. The scheme is analyzed from the aspects of integrating sphere lighting system, spectrum detection system, hardware circuit and software system. The core electronic components in the hardware circuit adopt the localization scheme. The software system is based on open source Linux system. The whole system has realized the national industrialization scheme. The test shows that the spectral range of the developed spectrophotometer covers 355~785 nm, the wavelength accuracy is less than 0.3 nm, and the repeatability of color measurement error of CIELAB system reaches 0.01.
Technology Innovation and Application