

People, Diseases and Modernity:Mental Illness Writing in Ian McEwan′s Novels
摘要 文章从医学角度解读麦克尤恩小说,打破疾病概念的界限,探讨了疾病、人与现代性之间的关系。在《时间中的孩子》等小说中,麦克尤恩以艺术虚构的形式重塑了西方现代人的精神现实,对人“疯癫”“分裂”等精神疾病现象的深度描写,反映了20世纪以来工具理性以及人的异化问题,隐喻英国现代性发展的历史与现实矛盾。而“审美心距”与“他者伦理”则是麦克尤恩解决现代性疾病的根本策略。在此基础之上,小说对人问题本身的书写,回应了英国人道主义写作以及人本主义精神的文学传统,这构成了麦克尤恩小说精神疾病书写的重大美学价值,也为医学人文学的批评研究提供了思路。 This paper interprets McEwan′ s novel from a medical point of view, breaks the boundaries of the concept of disease, and discusses the relationship between disease, man and modernity. In novels such as Children in Time, McEwan reshapes the spiritual reality of modern Westerners in the form of artistic fiction. In novels such as "Children in Time",McEwan remodels the spiritual reality of modern people in the West in the form of artistic fiction, and describes the phenomenon of mental illness such as "madness" and "splitting" in depth, reflecting the tool rationality and the alienation of human beings since the 20 th century, which metaphorizes the historical and realistic contradictions of the development of modernity in Britain. The "aesthetic distance" and "other ethics" are McEwan′ s fundamental strategies for solving modern diseases. On this basis, the writing and exposure of the human issue in the novel responds to the British humanitarian writing and the literary tradition of humanistic spirit, which constitutes the most important aesthetic value of McEwan′s mental illness writing. It also throws light on the critical research of medical humanities.
作者 何锦秀 卢建飞 He Jinxiu;Lu Jianfei(School of Literature,Central China Normal University,Wu Han,Hu Bei 430000,China)
出处 《河北工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期42-47,共6页 Journal of Hebei University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 2021年度广西高校中青年教师科研基础能力提升项目(2021KY1556)阶段性成果。
关键词 伊恩·麦克尤恩 疾病 “疯癫” 工具理性 人文疗愈 Ian McEwan disease "madness" instrumental rationality humanistic healing
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