The sinicized Marxist theory of art and literature in its present form features a combination of rational criticism and perceptual aesthetics,and an integration of Chinese reality with the fine traditional Chinese culture.Thus it displays its Chinese characteristics at three levels:the theoretical standpoint,the caliber of creation and the criteria of criticism.At the first level,it shows a people—centered standpoint and political orientation;at the second level,it follows the principle of realism and historical materialism in art creation;at the third level,it keeps pace with the demands of the people and the time as the criteria of art evaluation.The combination of the three provides answers to fundamental questions like"for whom is art created,"what principle should the artists follow in their creation"?and"what criteria should we follow in assessing art works?".Together they present the sinicized Marxist theory of art and literature in its contemporary form,and give testimony to the great vitality and creativity of Marxist theory of art and literature in the Chinese context.
国家社会科学基金项目“短视频时代专业课与大学生思政教育融合创新研究”阶段性成果(21 VSZ129)