
全球公共品体系转型的三个关键问题 被引量:1

Three Key Issues in the Transformation of the Global Public Goods System
摘要 2022年全球公共品体系面临再次转型,国际社会对全球公共品的需求剧增但全球公共品供给体系反而运转失灵,全球发展进程也出现倒退。通过全球、区域、国家多个层次之间反复博弈及共商共建共享的互动实践,能更好地实现局部利益与全球公共利益之间的平衡,进而破解全球公共品体系转型期的僵局。从理论上看,全球新社群主义强调社会生活的实践性,为处理国家和全球之间的二元对立提供了灵感,反映了全球公共品体系的多中心趋势。近十年来,中国作为创新者参与全球公共品供给和治理的姿态更加积极,但中国创新的全球公共品体系与原有的全球公共品体系在理念、实践和机制化三个层面存在一定张力,面临理念、实践方案及机制设置等层面的挑战。 In 2022,the global public goods system is undergoing another transformation.The international community’s demand for global public goods has increased dramatically,but the global public goods supply system has malfunctioned,and the global development process has regressed.Through repeated games and interactive practices of extensive consultation,joint contribution and shared benefts between global,regional and national levels,a balance between local interests and global public interests can be better achieved,thus breaking the deadlock in the transition period of the global public goods system.Theoretically,the new global communitarianism,which emphasizes the practical nature of social life,provides inspiration for addressing the dichotomy between the national and the global,reflects the polycentric trend of the global public goods system,and thus should become a key meta-theory of global governance.In the past decade,China has taken a more active stance as an innovator in global public goods provision and governance,but there are certain tensions between China’s innovative global public goods system and the original global public goods system at three levels:conceptual,practical and institutional,and it faces challenges at the levels of concepts,practical solutions and institutional arrangements.
作者 徐秀丽 李小云 Xu Xiuli;Li Xiaoyun
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第16期84-90,共7页 Frontiers
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国与‘一带一路’国家有效分享减贫经验的模式与策略研究”的阶段性成果,项目编号:21&ZD180。
关键词 全球公共品体系转型 全球治理 全球公共性 新社群主义 transformation of global public goods system global governance global publicness new communitarianism
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