The standard roadmap plays an important guiding role in the process of standard development. At present,standard roadmap at home and abroad is mainly determined by industry research, combined with the knowledge and experience of experts. However, the standard roadmaps developed by different subjects differ greatly, and have different guiding effects on practice. Quantitative trend discovery research has become an important direction in the standards field.In this paper, standards in the field of robotics are taken as the research object, and the importance of each standard in the standard cluster is measured and ranked based on the gravity model. On the basis of this, combined with text mining and time series analysis methods, python program is compiled and Citespace tool is used to further study the characteristics of the top 100 gravity-value standards in the dimension of “subject” and “time”. It finds three important trends of robot standards development in China. Firstly, terminology, performance testing, safety and other basic standards play an importance role;secondly, the dependence on foreign countries is still relatively strong;finally, the development of robot standards can be divided into four stages. There are opportunities in special use, service and other subdivision fields. It also puts forward some suggestions on the standardization development of the robot industry.
ZHANG Zheng-min(Shanghai Institute of Quality and Standards)
Standard Science
gravity model
time series
standard roadmap
knowledge discovery