

The Inter-subjectivity Logic in the Process of Good Governance with Chinese Characteristics:An Interpretation of Ethical Phenomenology
摘要 如何将“善”通过治理方式在主体之间扩展开来,现有研究仍疏于经验论证。本文聚焦善治的主体间性,回顾现象学和行政现象学相关理论,运用伦理现象学、静态现象学、发生现象学等新视角、新方法,阐释我国基层善治的一个先进典型:西辛庄,结合经典豫剧《村官李天成》等艺术作品,直观展现中国特色善治进程中的主体间性本质:命运与共、利益共享、贤能治理、亲清关系、坚持梦想、不断超越。基于伦理现象学视角看,以优秀共产党员为代表的贤能群体,不断扩充良知本性,不断朝向他者,通过先进示范、深入群众、说服感化、利益馈赠等方式,在具有主观性、差异性、陌生性的主体之间,构筑情感的、认知的、语言的、利益的、科技的共通桥梁,在时间进程中,渐进建构起中国特色善治进程,由此展现其由人心善端、到交互行动、再到结构变迁的类似“冲积平原”的流动本质。在此基础上,本文对中国特色善治与我国传统社会、西方国家治理中的主体间性,从价值秩序、人心秩序、社会秩序、商谈伦理、科技伦理、民主运转、制度建设、利益分配等方面作简要对比,以彰显善治的中国特色,最后指出善治是一项珍贵而艰巨的事业,需要满足诸多条件才能有效运转起来。 How to extend the goodness among the subjects through governance,the existing research lacks empirical demonstration.This paper focuses on the inter-subjectivity of good governance and reviews related theories in phenomenology and administrative phenomenology,and then introduces new perspectives and methods such as ethical phenomenology,static phenomenology and genetic phenomenology to explain a typical case of the rural good governance in China:Xixinzhuang Village.Combined with the classic Henan Opera“Village Officer Li Tiancheng”and other art works,this case directly demonstrates the essential characteristics of inter-subjectivity in the process of good governance with Chinese characteristics:shared future,benefit sharing,meritocratic governance,close and clean relationship,persist in dreams and constantly beyond.From the perspective of ethical phenomenology,this case shows how does the meritocratic group,represented by outstanding members of the Communist Party of China,develop their goodwill and spread to the others.They build a common bridge of emotion,cognition,interest,and technology between the subjective,discrepancy,and unacquainted subjects,through setting advanced examples,immersion in masses,persuading and influencing,and benefits giving.Then the process of good governance with Chinese characteristics is slowly constructed in the course of time.It reveals that the essential process of good governance with Chinese characteristics,which is similar to the“alluvial plain”,is from the tendency of goodness flow to interactive action and then to structural change of the society.Based on it,this article made a brief comparison between the inter-subjectivity of good governance with Chinese characteristics and that of Chinese traditional society and western countries’governance,from the aspects of the order of values,the order of people’s hearts,the order of society,the ethics of negotiation,the ethics of science and technology,the operation of democracy,the construction of institutions,the distribution of interests and so on to demonstrate the Chinese characteristics of good governance.Finally,it is pointed out that good governance is a precious and arduous undertaking that needs to meet many conditions in order to work well.
作者 王敬宇 Wang Jingyu
出处 《公共管理与政策评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期14-30,共17页 Public Administration and Policy Review
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划一般项目(国家社科基金孵化项目)《中国特色行政现象学分析框架、内容构建与实践路向研究》(AHSKF2019D056)。
关键词 中国特色善治 主体间性 现象学 Good Governance with Chinese Characteristics Inter-subjectivity Phenomenology
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