

The Unjust Killing of Sichuan Righteous Soldiers by An Bing
摘要 南宋开禧三年(1207)安丙与蜀中义士杨巨源、李好义等人平定了吴曦叛乱。为稳定四川边防、分散兴州军力,南宋中央超擢身为下层军将的杨、李等人进入都统制、宣抚司中,以制衡兴州旧将并稳定四川边防。在收复失地的过程中,杨、李等人跃迁为主要领军将领,激化了他们与兴州旧将的矛盾。同时,作为下层军将,他们的政治行为与军政制度也产生冲突,激化四川政局中的军政矛盾,失去宣抚使安丙的信任,最终被兴州旧将杀害。下层军将因非常规的军功而超擢速进至军政中心,置身各方势力的矛盾之中,且因自身政治资本薄弱,政治行为、政治认知与军政制度格格不入而陷入政治困境之中。这种困境不仅反映了军政调整过程中的关键症结所在,也表现出体制内下层军将获得非常规超擢之后与政局、制度的复杂关系。 In the third year of the Kaixi era(1207), An Bing, together with the righteous warriors Yang Ju Yuan and Li Hao Yi in Sichuan, put down Wu Xi’s rebellion. In order to stabilize the border defense of Sichuan and disperse the military power of Xingzhou, the central government of Southern Song Dynasty promoted Yang and Li, who were lower-level military generals, into the departments of Dutongzhi and Xuanfusi to check and balance the former generals of Xingzhou and stabilize the border defense of Sichuan. In the process of recovering the lost territories, Yang and Li were promoted to be the main leaders of the army, which intensified the conflict between them and the old generals of Xingzhou. At the same time, as lower ranking generals, their political behavior conflicted with the military system, intensifying the militarypolitical conflicts in the political situation of Sichuan, and they lost the trust of An Bing, the envoy of Xuanfusi, and were eventually killed by the former generals of Xingzhou. The lower ranking generals, who were promoted to the center of the military-political adjustment because of their unconventional military merits, were caught in the contradictions between various forces. They were caught in a political dilemma because their political capital was weak and their political behaviors and perceptions were not in line with the military-political system. This dilemma not only reflects the key crux of the military-political adjustment process, but also shows the complex relationship between the lower ranking military generals and the political situation and system after they were promoted to a higher level in an unconventional way.
作者 晁芊桦 Chao Qianhua(Institute of Antiquarian Studies,School of Literature,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310000)
出处 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第5期70-80,共11页 Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
关键词 安丙 蜀中义士 四川政局 下层困境 An Bing righteous warriors in Sichuan political situation in Sichuan the dilemma in the lower class
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