

The Role of Counter-Hegemonic News in the Politicization of Global Health Issues
摘要 新冠病毒溯源是一个处于被政治化过程中的全球健康议题。本研究从反霸权新闻的视角出发,选取西方主流媒体:美国有线电视新闻网和非西方国际新闻传播机构:中国国际电视台、半岛电视台英文台、今日俄罗斯作为研究对象,以信源分析、框架分析等方法,分析4家媒体自新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,其在病毒溯源相关报道的报道声量、报道信源和报道框架等方面的异同。研究发现,美国有线电视新闻网在选取报道信源时注意到了客观平衡,但较少使用“建设性—行政理性(合作)”框架,体现出较高超的报道操纵水平;中国国际电视台无论从报道信源还是报道框架上,都注重将病毒溯源引回科学轨道;半岛电视台英文台当议题与其主要资助方关联性较低的情况下,报道体现出更为客观、科学的特点;今日俄罗斯的报道则是4家新闻机构中最具政治色彩的。反霸权新闻在新冠病毒溯源报道中发出了不一样的声音,有助于抑制科学议题政治化倾向,增进国际舆论场关于特定议题报道的客观性与多元性。 Recently, the origins of COVID-19 become a highly politicized global health issue. When mainstream Western media attempted to use their hegemonic power to convince the world to look at the COVID-19 origin tracing investigations through their specific lens, many non-Western international media organizations offered a different voice and perspective of the same events. As previous research has shown that counter-hegemonic media often follow certain political agendas, much uncertainty still exists about their voice’s growing influence on the media landscape of science communication and health communication. Therefore, this study seeks to empirically explore the role of non-Western international media in the politicization of this global health issue. Collecting media coverage about COVID-19 origin tracing from a Western mainstream television network(CNN) and three non-Western television networks(CGTN, AJE, and RT), this study measured media’s contribution to the politicization of COVID-19 origin tracing topic by comparing the volume, information source, and framing of the COIVD-19 source tracing passage. This research suggests that a) CNN facilitated the politicization of COVID-19 source tracing through media framing rather than information source selection biases.;b) As a state-owned media of China, CGTN tried hard to bring the issue back to the track of science;c) When the interests of funders are not involved, although the perspectives of AJE and RT have inconsistent influence on the politicization of science, their coverage volume are less sensitive to political operations. Overall, our study suggests that counter-hegemonic news offered different voices in COVID-19 tracing report, which helps to suppress the politicization of global health issues and enhances the objectivity and diversity of the international news.
作者 王登丰 王安然 苏岩 许静 Dengfeng Wang;Anran Wang;Yan Su;Jing Xu(School of Journalism and Communication,Peking University;Department of Media and Communication,The London School of Economics and Political Science)
出处 《全球传媒学刊》 CSSCI 2022年第3期58-75,共18页 Global Journal of Media Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“构建人类卫生健康共同体研究与数据库建设”(项目批准号:21ZDA130)的阶段性成果
关键词 反霸权新闻 健康传播 国际传播 报道信源 报道框架 Counter-Hegemonic News Health Communication International Communication Reporting Sources Media Framing
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