
高职院校学生职业生涯规划教育现状与优化路径——基于对A市9982名高职学生的问卷调查分析 被引量:7

The Current Situation and Optimization Path of Students’Career Planning Education in Higher Vocational Colleges——Based on the Questionnaire Survey of 9982 Higher Vocational Students in City A
摘要 职业生涯规划教育对大学生树立正确择业观、确定自身发展定位、明确职业发展道路具有重要意义。基于对已有大学生职业生涯规划相关研究的梳理,采用在线问卷调查的形式,对A市9982名高职院校在校大学生开展调研,并访谈部分研究对象,发现当前高职学生有一定的职业生涯规划意识,但缺乏规划能力;有职业生涯规划教育需求,但信息获得渠道单一;重视社会实践和行业信息,但实践行动少;存在多样化的就业取向,但自我认知和专业认知模糊。进一步优化大学生职业生涯规划教育,要加强大学生职业生涯规划的全过程管理,形成长效机制;扩展大学生职业生涯规划的教育主体,形成教育合力;重视大学生职业生涯规划的个体差异,凸显个性化教育服务。 Career planning education is of great significance for college students to establish a correct view of career choice,determine their own development orientation,and clarify the career development path.Based on the existing relevant research on career planning of undergraduates,the study conducted an online questionnaire survey on 9982 students in higher vocational colleges in city A,and interviewed some of the research objects.It was found that the current higher vocational students have a certain awareness of career planning,but lack of planning ability.They have a need of education for career planning,but have single access to information.They attach importance to social practice and industry information,but have few practical actions.There are diversified employment orientations,but self-cognition and professional cognition are vague.To further optimize the education of college students'career planning,it is necessary to strengthen the whole process management of college students'career planning and form a long-term mechanism,expand the subject of college students'career planning education and create synergy of education,pay attention to individual differences of college students'career planning,and form personalized education service.
作者 苏姝 SU Shu(Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology,Ningbo 315211,China)
出处 《宁波职业技术学院学报》 2022年第4期82-86,共5页 Journal of Ningbo Polytechnic
关键词 大学生 职业生涯规划 现状 优化路径 college students career planning current situation optimization path
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