将60Si2MnA弹簧钢制成的试样在830℃保温20 min,油淬,再进行550℃回火2 h处理;然后对其进行材性试验和疲劳裂纹扩展试验。对比分析了热处理和未热处理的60Si2MnA弹簧钢的力学性能和疲劳裂纹扩展性能,并进行存活率为50%、90%、95%、99%和99.9%裂纹扩展速率可靠度分析,绘制p-lg(da/dN)-lg(ΔK)曲线,最后对热处理、未热处理的试件疲劳断口进行分析,探讨其对疲劳裂纹扩展的影响机理。结果表明:热处理后60Si2MnA钢强度明显提升,但是抗疲劳裂纹扩展的能力降低;随着存活率的提高,裂纹扩展速率逐渐减小;在同一存活率下,热处理后60Si2MnA弹簧钢疲劳裂纹扩展Paris公式中材料常数m增大,C减小。
The specimen made of 60 Si2 MnA Spring Steel was heated at 830 ℃ for 20 min,oil quenched and tempered at 550 ℃ for 2 h;Then the material property test and fatigue crack growth test were carried out.Compared and analyzed the mechanical properties and fatigue crack growth properties of 60 Si2 MnA spring steel with and without heat treatment;The p-lg(da/dN)-lg(ΔK) curves were drawn.Finally,the fatigue fracture of heat-treated and untreated specimens is analyzed to explore its influence mechanism on fatigue crack propagation..The results show that:The strength of 60 Si2 MnA steel increases after heat treatment,but reduced the ability to resist fatigue propagation;With the increase of the survival rate,the crack growth rate decreases gradually;At the same survival rate,The material constant m in Paris formula of fatigue crack propagation of 60 Si2 MnA Spring steel increases and C decreases after heat treatment.
Zhang Rongmao;Liu Guoshou;Wang Shiyue;Wu Zeng(College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650500,China;Yunnan Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention,Kunming 650500,China)
Bulletin of Science and Technology