
论生育事件对女性和男性职业地位获得的影响——基于CHNS 1993-2015年追踪调查的实证研究 被引量:8

The Effects of Fertility Events on Women’s and Men’s Attainment of Occupational Status——Empirical Research from CHNS 1993-2015 Follow-up Survey
摘要 继人力资本理论、性别歧视理论之后,补偿性差异理论、母职惩罚与父职溢价理论和生育支持流派被运用于解释职业地位获得。本文利用1993-2015年中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)八次追踪数据,运用多层逻辑模型和多层线性模型分析生育事件对城乡非农母亲和非农父亲职业地位的影响,验证母职惩罚与父职溢价理论的作用力并同时验证其他四个理论的作用。1993-2015年20多年间城乡非农母亲和非农父亲的就业率和正规就业比例都有所下降,小时工资率有所提高,然而性别工资差距依然存在。实证检验表明生育事件对城乡非农母亲就业、正规就业和小时工资率都产生一定影响,孩子越多、家中有5周岁以下婴幼儿起负面影响,推迟初育年龄反而起正面影响。生育事件对于城乡非农父亲职业发展的影响较弱,孩子越多的父亲越可能非正规就业,推迟初育年龄有利于父亲采取正规就业。母职惩罚理论得到了验证,父职溢价理论并非完全适用,多育和较早生育对父亲职业地位也会产生一定负面影响。同时,人力资本理论、性别歧视理论、补偿性差异理论、生育支持流派具有一定解释力。建议重视生殖健康宣传,倡导适龄生育;防止就业市场的性别歧视,推进男女平等;做好生育休假和幼托服务方案,采取对女性友好的生育配套支持措施。 Apart from the theories of human capital and gender discrimination,the theories of compensatory differences,motherhood penalty/fatherhood premium and policy for maternity support are used to explain women’s and men’s occupational statues(employment,formal/informal employment,and wages). This paper uses 1993-2015 China Health and Nutrition Survey(CHNS),and applies multilevel logistic models and multilevel linear models to study the impacts of fertility events on the occupational statuses of urban and rural non-agricultural mothers and fathers respectively,and tests the effects of the other four theories.The results show that both employment rate and the proportion of formal employment of mothers and fathers in urban and rural areas declined between 1993 and 2015. Although the wage rate has increased during this period,the wage gap between mothers and fathers was still existed. Fertility events had an impact on employment status,formal employment and wages of non-agricultural mothers in urban and rural areas.Having more children,and having infants under 5 years old had negative effects on mothers’ being in employment,formal employment,and higher wages;while having first child at older age was positively associated with more likely to be in employment,formal employment,and higher wages among mothers. The impacts of fertility events on the career development of non-agricultural fathers in urban and rural areas were small. Fathers with more children were more likely to take informal employment. Delaying childbearing age was also beneficial for fathers’ career development. This paper proposes to promote marriage and childbearing at the right age,regulate gender discrimination in the job market,and deploy female-friendly reproductive services.
作者 庄渝霞 冯志昕 ZHUANG Yuxia;FENG Zhixin(Institute of Urban and Demographic Studies,Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,Shanghai,200020,China;School of Geography and Planning,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou Guangdong,510006,China)
出处 《人口学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期1-20,共20页 Population Journal
基金 2020年国家哲学社会科学基金一般项目:两险合并后生育保险政策内容扩展和基金可持续性研究(20BSH051)。
关键词 母职惩罚 父职溢价 生育事件 职业地位 工资 Motherhood Penalty Fatherhood Premium Maternity Events Occupational Status Salary
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