
清代“以学为词”刍议 被引量:1

A Tentative Discussion on the Trend of“Using Scholarship in Ci Creation”in Qing Dynasty
摘要 “以学为词”是清代词坛的普遍现象,肇端于宋,却极盛于清,在不同时期呈现出不同的时代风貌。顺康年间的“以学为词”沿袭宋代的形式——高密度运用典故和化用成句;康熙中叶以后,词之创作主体学者化,为彰显学问和学术交流的需要,他们创制了大量的集句词、论词词,甚至在词中浓墨重彩地进行自注;雍乾时期,以考据为代表的朴学大兴,大批学人投入诗词创作领域,学人开始主导词坛,他们视词为学问的载体,不仅将学问酝酿为一种高洁的人格姿态与清幽的词境,而且还以专门之学入词;嘉庆道光以后,常州词派提倡的“寄托”说,仍以学问为根柢,他们从理论和创作上都对“以学为词”做了提升;晚清四大家将“以学为词”发展到了极致,但由于天资、学力和境地的差异性,他们采融学问的效果不尽相同。“以学为词”一方面开拓了词境,提升了词体地位,但同时也戕伤了词之美感特质。对清代的“以学为词”进行深入研究,不但能够还原清代的词林生态,而且能够探析清人隐秘的创作心理,从而总结出创作规律,这对我们今天的文学评论和文学创作都是有指导意义的。 “Using Scholarship in Ci creation”is a common phenomenon in the Qing Dynasty Ci creation.It originated in the Song Dynasty,but flourished in the Qing Dynasty,showing different styles in different periods.During the reign of Shun Kang,It followed the form of the Song Dynasty,featured of high-density using of allusions and phrases;After the mid-Kangxi period,Ci writers became scholars.In order to show their learning and meet the need of academic communication,they created a large number of sentence collection Ci and Ci commentary Ci,and even made self-notes in the Ci heavily.During the period of Yong Qian,a large number of scholars devoted themselves to the creation of Ci poems,and they began to dominate the Ci circle.They regarded Ci as the carrier of scholarship,not only cultivating scholarship into a noble personality and a quiet Ci environment,but also using expert knowledge into Ci.After Jiaqing and Daoguang’s reigns,Changzhou Ci school advocated the theory of“allegoric”,which is still based on scholarship as the end,and further promoted this trend to a new high level;The Four Masters of the late Qing Dynasty developed this trend to the extreme,but due to the differences in talent,learning ability and situations,their effects of adopting and integrating scholarship were not the same.On the one hand,this trend opens up the horizon of Ci and enhances the status of the Ci style,but at the same time,it also damages the aesthetic characteristics of the Ci.An in-depth study of this trend in the Qing Dynasty can not only restore the ecology of Ci circle in the Qing Dynasty,ut also explore the secret creative psychology of the Qing literati,so as to sum up the rules of creation,which is of guiding significance to our literary criticism and literary creation today.
作者 唐何花 Tang Hehua
机构地区 暨南大学文学院
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2022年第3期166-179,共14页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
基金 中国博士后科学基金项目“顺康之际词集刊刻文献汇考与研究”(编号:2022M711346)。
关键词 清词学问化 以学为词 创作动机 the scholarly trend in the Qing Dynasty Ci creation using scholarship in Ci creation motive of creation
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