

A Research on the Teaching Reform of the Basic Course Designing for Inheriting the Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture
摘要 学习和推广中华优秀传统文化,大学校园不容忽视。而作为艺术类院校设计学院的学生,更应该利用专业优势。本课题从精微素描和设计素描两个角度着手,从传统中汲取营养,提炼中华传统文化的精华,把传统文化元素融进现代设计中,将中华传统文化向全国和全世界推广。素描是设计专业低年级学生的必修课,是连接高年级课程的桥梁。通过素描课程的学习,结合素描造型训练,引导学生选取中华优秀传统文化中的广泛题材,在教授素描基本知识与绘画实践的同时,在课程中融入思想政治教育内容,加深对中华优秀传统文化的理解,激发学生对祖国的热爱并强化学生对祖国优秀传统文化的认同。 Priority should be give to the learning and promotion of the excellent traditional Chinese culture on university campus. As the students of the school of design in an art university, they should take advantage of their professional advantages for this purpose. Starting from the training of fine sketch and designing sketch, this research draws cultural nutrition and cultural essence from excellent traditional Chinese culture, and integrates traditional cultural elements into modern design. The purpose is to promotes Chinese traditional culture to the whole country and the world. Sketch is a compulsory course for junior students of design major and a bridge to connect senior courses. Through the study of the sketch course and in combination with the training of sketch modeling, students are guided to select a wide range of subjects in the excellent traditional Chinese culture. In the teaching of basic study of sketch and painting skills, the content of ideological and political education is integrated into the course, which can help students go further in the understanding of the excellent traditional Chinese culture and stimulate their patriotic passion. Naturally, the students’ identity of the excellent traditional Chinese culture is strengthened.
作者 王欣 Wang Xin(Xinjiang Arts University,Urumqi 830049)
机构地区 新疆艺术学院
出处 《新疆艺术学院学报》 2022年第3期111-117,共7页 Journal of Xinjiang Arts University
基金 新疆艺术学院校级重点课题“设计学专业课程思政综合教学体系的构建研究(新艺教[2020]12号)”阶段性成果。
关键词 设计基础课 图形 素描 传统文化 Basic Design Course Graphic Sketch Traditional Culture
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