
刘沈林治疗消化道肿瘤常用经方药对采撷 被引量:1

Collection of LIU Shenlin's Drug Pairs of Classic Prescriptions for Treating Digestive Tract Tumors
摘要 消化道肿瘤包括食管癌、胃癌、结直肠癌和肝癌等,是我国常见的恶性肿瘤,随着国民饮食结构和生活方式的变化,其发病率、病死率逐年升高,中国消化道肿瘤负担高于世界平均水平。刘沈林教授为全国名中医,师从国医大师徐景藩教授,术承吴门、孟河医派,从事脾胃病及消化道肿瘤临床工作四十余载,对消化道肿瘤及其并发症的治疗有丰富的经验,临床精于辨证,擅用经典各方,随证加减。刘师认为消化道肿瘤是全身疾病在人体局部的反应,正虚邪踞是肿瘤发生的基本病机,正气受损,失于正常运行和敷布,则气滞、血瘀、痰凝、湿阻、热郁等邪夹杂为患,诸邪不能被有效清除,留滞体内,则发为肿瘤,然诸邪难以概括其暴戾猖顽、耗损正气、流注侵袭、内伏难清、易于复发等特征,继而提倡“癌毒”学说。治疗上以健脾祛邪为基本原则,遵循辨证与辨病相结合,重视个体化治疗,反对见瘤不见人的盲目攻伐。临证用药尤擅用经方药对,对于改善症状,缓解病情尤为有效。 Digestive tract tumors,including esophageal cancer,gastric cancer,colorectal cancer and liver cancer,are common malignant tumors in China.With the changes of national diet and lifestyle,the incidence and mortality of digestive tract tumors in China are increasing gradually,and digestive tract tumors burden is higher than the global average.Professor LIU Shenlin is a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.He learned from Professor XU Jingfan,a master of traditional Chinese medical science,and Wu's Medical School and Menghe Medical School.He has been engaged in the clinical work of spleen and stomach diseases and digestive tract tumors for more than 40 years.He is skilled at differentiating syndromes and treatment,and is also good at using classic prescriptions appropriately.Professor LIU believes that digestive tract tumor is the local reaction of systemic diseases in the human body,and the basic pathogenesis is the deficiency of vital Qi and stasis of pathogenic factors.Deficiency and dysfunctionality of vital Qi lead to a mixture of Qi stagnation,blood stasis,phlegm coagulation,damp retention,heat stagnation.The pathogenic factors can not be effectively eliminated,and subsequently they cause tumor.However,these pathogenic factors can not fully generalize the characteristics of tumor,including difficulty of inhibition,consumption of vital Qi,invasion and metastasis,hardness of treatment and high probability relapse.Professor LIU Shenlin also advocated the theory of cancerous toxin.Furthermore,he insisted the basic principle of treatment is to invigorate spleen and eliminate pathogenic factors,and followed the method of combining syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation.Besides,he objected to the therapy focusing only on tumor,instead of patients'overall health,and opposed the treatment using the attack of drug blindly.He is especially handy with using classic prescriptions in clinical practice,which is effective in improving patients'symptoms and alleviating their symptoms.
作者 强永虎 刘沈林 QIANG Yonghu;LIU Shenlin(The First Clinical Medical College of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,Jiangsu,China;Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210029,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2022年第8期169-172,共4页 Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(81973782)。
关键词 药对 消化道肿瘤 刘沈林 名医经验 drug pair digestive tract tumor LIU Shenlin experience
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