
比较视角下的工程造价本科专业课程改革探讨--以天津开放大学为例 被引量:1

Discussion on Curriculum Reform of the Undergraduate Specialty of Engineering Cost from a Comparative Perspective: Take Tianjin Open University as an Example
摘要 工程造价本科专业是一门强调实践技能的新兴学科,2012年被列入教育部普通高等学校本科专业目录管理学管理科学与工程类基本专业。作为应用型本科专业,其在不断适应与支持工程造价咨询业跨越式发展的过程中逐步转变和提升,但一直缺乏响应和满足行业需求的专业认证标准,进一步导致与能力标准响应的课程体系还未完善,理论教学内容与能力要求脱节,与专业能力测评结合的教学考核制度也未建立等。作为天津开放大学与国家开放大学实施共建共享的特色专业,既要实现与普通高等教育及其他教育层次和形式的错位发展,又要响应和满足行业需求的不断提升的专业能力标准,其课程设置必须围绕应用型人才培养目标展开,突出实践和应用特征,即以就业为导向,优化课程结构;以应用为标准,提升校内实践课程质量;以产教融合为契机,大力推动校外实践;以实践为内容,推进特色教材建设。 The undergraduate specialty of Engineering Cost is an emerging discipline that emphasizes practical skills.It was included in the undergraduate specialty catalog of management science and engineering of general colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education as a basic specialty in 2012.As an application-oriented undergraduate specialty,it has gradually changed and improved in the process of constantly adapting to and supporting the leapfrog development of the engineering cost consulting industry,but the lack of professional certification standards that respond to and meet the needs of the industry further leads to the imperfect curriculum system responding to the ability standards,the disconnection between theoretical teaching content and ability requirements,and the lack of the teaching assessment system combined with the professional ability assessment.As a characteristic specialty jointly constructed and shared by Tianjin Open University and the Open University of China,it not only needs to realize the dislocation development with general higher education and other forms of education with different levels,but also needs to respond to and meet the constantly improving professional ability standards of the industry.Its curriculum must closely focus on the training objectives of application-oriented talents,and highlight the characteristics of practice and application,that is,to optimize the curriculum structure guided by employment;to improve the quality of practical courses on campus by taking application as the standard;to vigorously promote off-campus practice by taking the integration of industry and education as an opportunity;and to promote the construction of characteristic teaching materials with practice as the content.
作者 全世海 Quan Shihai(Tianjin Open University,Tianjin 300191)
出处 《天津电大学报》 2022年第3期34-38,共5页 Journal of Tianjin Radio and Television University
基金 天津开放大学优秀青年教师培养经费资助。
关键词 工程造价 培养目标 课程改革 Engineering Cost training objectives curriculum reform
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