
上海地区居民对中医药抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情接受度调查分析 被引量:3

Survey analysis on Shanghai residents’ acceptance of traditional Chinese medicine to combat COVID-19 pandemic
摘要 目的 调查上海地区居民对中医药抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(简称“新冠疫情”)的接受程度。方法 采用方便、自愿抽样的方法,抽样调查上海市部分医务人员、社区防疫志愿者和居民对中医药抗击新冠疫情的接受程度。结果 (1)共回收有效调查问卷662份,662位调查对象中男性占41.1%,年龄以20~60岁为主,从事医疗行业者占29.2%;单因素分析结果显示,性别、年龄、从事行业、教育水平、个人月收入等对中医药接受度均无明显影响。(2)本次调查中,639人相信中医药治疗,占96.5%;相信中医药治疗的调查对象中,584人以前使用过中医药(占91.4%),600人表示将推荐其他人使用中医药抗击新冠疫情(占93.9%),500人推荐采用单独中医药处方抗击新冠疫情(占78.2%)。(3)与没用过中医药的调查对象相比,以前使用过中医药的调查对象更愿意推荐其他人使用中医药抗击新冠疫情(P=0.004);既往使用过中医药的调查对象更担忧中医药的口味和其他问题(P=0.054,P=0.003),既往没用过中医药的调查对象更担忧中医药的有效性和安全性问题(P=0.005,P=0.045)。(4)上海地区居民对中医药的需求十分广泛,但以治疗、预防和科普的需求最为强烈,频次分别为452次、443次、424次。结论 上海地区居民对中医药及中医药抗击新冠疫情有很高的接受度,建议针对现实需求进一步发挥中医药在防疫中的重要作用。 Objective To investigate Shanghai residents’ acceptance of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)for combating novel coronavirus disease(“COVID-19”)pandemic.Methods COVID-19 among medical personnel,community volunteers and residents in Shanghai.Results(1)A total of 662 valid questionnaires were collected.Among the 662 respondents,41.1% were male,the age ranged from 20 to 60 years,and 29.2% were engaged in the medical profession. The results of univariate analysis showed that gender,age,occupation,education level,and personal monthly income had no significant effect on the acceptance of TCM.(2)In this survey,639 respondents believed in TCM treatment,accounting for 96.5% of the total. Among them,584 respondents had used TCM before,accounting for 91.4%;600 respondents showed their willingness to recommend others to use TCM for the pandemic prevention and control,accounting for 93.9%;and 500 respondents recommended TCM prescriptions alone to fight against the COVID-19,accounting for 78.2%.(3)Compared with respondents who had never used TCM,those who had used TCM before were more likely to recommend others to use TCM for the pandemic prevention and control(P=0.004);those who had used TCM before were more concerned about the flavor and other issues of TCM(P=0.054,P=0.003),and those who had not used TCM before were more concerned about effectiveness and safety of TCM(P=0.005,P=0.045).(4)Residents in Shanghai showed a wide range of demands for TCM,and the strongest ones were ranked in descending order:TCM treatment,TCM prevention and TCM science popularization,with a frequency of 452,443,and 424,respectively.Conclusions level of acceptance of TCM and its use in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore,it is recommended to further the application of TCM in the pandemic prevention and control in response to the realistic demands.
作者 黄作为 赵钢 张莎莎 严华美 沈知彼 杨雪军 HUANG Zuowei;ZHAO Gang;ZHANG Shasha;YAN Huamei;SHEN Zhibi;YANG Xuejun(Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 200012,China)
出处 《上海中医药杂志》 2022年第7期7-10,共4页 Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局新型冠状病毒感染肺炎中医药应急专项(2022ZYLCYJ05-1)。
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 新型冠状病毒 奥密克戎变异株 疫情防控 中医药疗法 抽样调查 coronavirus disease(COVID-19) SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants pandemic prevention and control traditional Chinese medicine therapy sampling survey
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