Based on STM32 F407 ZGT6 single chip microcomputer, the paper uses the three pole plate piezoelectric ceramic as the active excitation tactile sensor embedded in the rigid object, which is placed at the tip of the mechanical finger to collect the data of different objects. Then the paper stores the data in SRAM through the processing of addition circuit and amplification circuit. When data acquisition is carried out with pure hardware, some interference data will be generated due to electromagnetic interference, manipulator heat dissipation device and other reasons. Therefore, data processing should be carried out before the research of active excitation tactile sensor recognition algorithm. Common data preprocessing methods include first-order filtering, median filtering and five-point cubic smoothing. By comparing these three filtering methods, this paper selects the most suitable data preprocessing method for this system and applies it to STM32 F407 ZGT6 single chip microcomputer.
LIUNIE Tianhe;WANG Minhui;HUANG Jiaxin(College of Electrical Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China)
Intelligent Computer and Applications