
张琳琪运用益肾化瘀方治疗慢性肾功能衰竭 被引量:1

Zhang Linqi Treating Chronic Renal Failure with Yishen Huayu Recipe
摘要 慢性肾功能衰竭的主要病因为先天禀赋不足、外邪侵袭、饮食劳倦、情志内伤、病久不愈。主要病机为本虚标实,本虚主要为脾肾气虚,标实主要为湿聚血瘀、浊毒内蕴。肾为先天之本,肾阳不足,肾精损耗,则气化功能失常,水液代谢失调;脾为后天之本,脾气亏虚,则津液运化失司;脾肾气虚,津液布散不利,湿浊内停。湿浊毒邪长期蓄积体内,加之气血运行不畅,血脉瘀阻,损伤肾脏,肾脏受损,湿浊毒邪排出能力减弱,周而复始,使疾病逐渐进展至末期。临床以益肾化瘀方为基础治疗慢性肾功能衰竭,辨证论治,灵活遣药组方,一方面固本培元,注重先后天相互资助,一方面灵活运用活血化瘀、渗淡利湿、降浊排毒等药物。 The main causes of chronic renal failure are lack of congenital endowment, invasion of exogenous pathogens, fatigue, improper diet, internal emotional injury, and prolonged illness.The main pathogenesis is the deficiency in syndrome and excessive in symptom, in which the former is shown in the deficiency of the Spleen and the Kidney, while the latter is shown in the accumulation of blood stasis and the accumulation of turbid toxin.Kidney is the innate foundation of the body, and deficiency of Kidney yang or loss of Kidney Essence leads to the dysfunction of Qi Hua and water metabolism disorder;Spleen is the foundation of the acquisitus of body, and the deficiency of Spleen Qi leads to the dysfunction in transportation of body Fluid.Both of the two deficiency lead to Dampness stopping within body.The accumulation of Dampness and turbidity in the body for a long time coupled with the poor circulation of Qi and blood, blood stasis, would damage Kidney damage and then weaken the ability to expel Dampness and turbidity toxins.The clinical treatment of chronic renal failure is based on the prescription of Yishen Huayu Recipe, which is often based on syndrome differentiation and flexible prescriptions.On the one hand, it strengthens the foundation and cultivates Yuan Qi, and pays attention to mutual assistance between Kidney and Spleen.On the other hand, the disease can be cured by flexibly using drugs to promote blood circulation, to remove blood stasis, to infiltrate Dampness, to reduce turbidity and to get rid of toxin.
作者 蔡鑫宇 张琳琪 CAI Xinyu;ZHANG Linqi(The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou Henan China 450000)
出处 《中医学报》 CAS 2022年第11期2380-2384,共5页 Acta Chinese Medicine
关键词 慢性肾功能衰竭 益肾化瘀方 健脾补肾 化瘀降浊 张琳琪 chronic renal failure Yishen Huayu Recipe invigorating Spleen and Kidney removing blood stasis and reducing turbidity Zhang Linqi
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