A semiclassical lattice Boltzmann method is presented for axisymmetric flows of gas of particles of arbitrary statistics.The method is first derived by directly projecting the Uehling-Uhlenbeck Boltzmann-BGK equations in twodimensional rectangular coordinates onto the tensor Hermite polynomials using moment expansion method and then the forcing strategy of Halliday et al.(Phys.Rev.E.,64(2001),011208)is adopted and forcing term is added into the resulting microdynamic evolution equation.The determination of the forcing terms is dictated by yielding the emergent macroscopic equations toward a particular target form.The correct macroscopic equations of the incompressible axisymmetric viscous flows are recovered through the Chapman-Enskog expansion.Computations of uniform flow over a sphere to verify the method are included.The results also indicate distinct characteristics of the effects of quantum statistics.
supported by CQSE Subproject#597R0066-69 and NSC 97-2221-E002-063-MY3
They also acknowledge the support of NCHC in providing resource under the national project “Knowledge Innovation National Grid”in Taiwan are acknowledged.