

Intrusion Feature Extraction of Vibrated Optical Cable Based on Wavelet Packet Energy
摘要 针对振动光缆周界安防入侵类型问题进行研究,提出一种基于小波包能量的振动光缆入侵特征提取算法。该方法利用频谱分析技术设计高通滤波器,对原始信号进行滤波,进一步利用小波包分解技术对滤波后的振动光缆信号进行小波包分解,然后提取到分解层级每个节点的小波包能量,通过对小波包能量值的识别进而判断周界安防区域是否存在入侵。通过试验验证,该方法具有一定的可行性与有效性。 In order to study the perimeter security of vibrating fiber,an intrusion detection feature extraction algorithm of vibrating fiber based on wavelet packet energy is proposed.This method uses spectrum analysis technology to design high-pass filter,then filters the original signal.Furthermore,using wavelet packet decomposition technology to decompose the filtered vibration fiber signal,then extracts the energy of wavelet packet at different levels,and determines whether there is intrusion in the perimeter security area by identifying the energy value of wavelet packet.Verified by experiments,this method has certain feasibility and effectiveness.
作者 龚敏 刘琢 GONG Min;LIU Zhuo(CGNPC Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518124,China)
出处 《通信电源技术》 2022年第11期7-10,共4页 Telecom Power Technology
关键词 周界安防 小波包能量 小波包分解 振动光缆 perimeter security wavelet packet energy wavelet packet decomposition vibrating optical fiber
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