对位芳纶因其多项优异的性能被广泛应用于汽车、通讯、航空航天、个人防护等多个领域,其满足较高的物理机械性能要求的同时,跟传统的金属等材料在轻量化、减少碳排放等方面有明显的优势。对位芳纶力学性能参数是其应用的重要参数,以光缆为例,对位芳纶为其受力单元,其断裂强度及拉伸模量是光缆设计的重要参数。测试方法和条件的不一致,其数据对于质检对标及应用参考选型会造成诸多不便。本文以国际上通用的对位芳纶长丝检测标准ASTMD7269和通信行业认可的YD/T 1181.2为依据探讨影响力学性能测试的主要因素。
P-aramid as a versatile high performance fiber has been used in many different application areas such as automotive,telecom,aerospace and personal protective etc..While meeting critical mechanical property requirement,it has unique advantage in lowering weight and carbon emission etc.by comparing to tradition materials such as metal.Data reference of mechanical properties of p-aramid yarn is very important for application reference.Take p-aramid reinforced optical fiber cable as an example,the breaking tenacity and tensile modulus of p-aramid yarn are important parameters for cable design.Misalignment of testing method and conditions will cause confusion for quality control acceptance criterial,and difficult for product comparison and application design.In this study,we take universal recognized ASTM D 7269 and telecom industrial standard YD/T 1181.2 as reference to discussion the influence of some key factors for the evaluation of p-aramid yarn mechanical properties.
Modern Transmission