
基于ANSYS Workbench的废气涡轮增压器压气机流动特性分析

Flow Characteristics Analysis of Exhaust Gas Turbocharger Compressor Based on ANSYS Workbench
摘要 涡轮增压器提高了发动机燃油经济性、排放性和动力性,有效降低汽车尾气排放。文章主要利用ANSYS软件对涡轮增压器压气机进行建模、划分网格、设置计算参数和数值模拟。从压气机内部的压力场、速度场、速度矢量、流线分布等进行流动特性分析,数值模拟结果表明,蜗壳内部的压力随着流道截面的增大而相对应地增大,蜗壳出口处出现最大值,沿着气体流动的方向,涡流粘度逐渐增大,在叶片附近出现最大值;叶轮出口和入口的湍动能都比较小,出现最小值,在叶片附近湍动能出现最大值。此流动特性分析研究对设计压气机及提高工作效率具有一定的参考作用。 The turbocharger improves the fuel economy, emission, power of the engine and effectively reduces exhaust gas emissions of automobiles. ANSYS software is employed to model,mesh, set calculation parameters, and numerical simulation of the turbocharger compressor. The flow characteristics are analyzed from the compressor’s pressure field, velocity field, velocity vector, and streamline distribution. The numerical simulation results show that the pressure in the volute increases correspondingly with the increase of the channel section. The maximum value appears at the volute outlet, and the eddy viscosity rises gradually along the direction of gas flow. The maximum value appears near the blade. The turbulence kinetic energy of the impeller outlet and inlet is relatively small, and the minimum value occurs. The turbulence kinetic energy near the blade appears to the maximum. The analysis of flow characteristics is a reference to designing the compressor and improving the working efficiency.
作者 罗晓棋 杨振东 LUO Xiaoqi;YANG Zhendong(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Lingnan Normal University,Zhanjiang 524048,China;Department of Mechanical Engineering,Maoming Southeast Senior Technical School,Maoming 525200,China)
出处 《汽车实用技术》 2022年第19期23-27,共5页 Automobile Applied Technology
基金 广东省大学生创新创业项目:汽油机涡轮增压器优化设计(854) 岭南师范学院人才专项:汽车风振噪声的主、客观评价及主动控制研究(ZL2027) 国家公派高级研究学者、访问学者、博士后项目(留金选[2020]50,学号:202008440092)。
关键词 压气机 数值模拟 流场分析 废气涡轮增压器 流动特性分析 Compressor Numerical simulation Flow field analysis Exhaust gas turbocharger Flow characteristics analysis
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