Building human organs in a dish has been a long term goal of researchers in pursue of physiologically relevantmodels of human disease and for replacement of worn out and diseased organs. The liver has been an organ ofinterest for its central role in regulating body homeostasis as well as drug metabolism. An accurate liver replicashould contain the multiple cell types found in the organ and these cells should be spatially organized to resembletissue structures. More importantly, the in vitro model should recapitulate cellular and tissue level functions.Progress in cell culture techniques and bioengineering approaches have greatly accelerated the development ofadvance 3-dimensional (3D) cellular models commonly referred to as liver organoids. These 3D models describedrange from single to multiple cell type containing cultures with diverse applications from establishing patientspecificliver cells to modeling of chronic liver diseases and regenerative therapy. Each organoid platform isadvantageous for specific applications and presents its own limitations. This review aims to provide acomprehensive summary of major liver organoid platforms and technologies developed for diverse applications.