1963—1966年、1978—1982年在上海、福建和广东等地区进行鱼类区系调查时采得鲻鰕虎鱼属鱼类标本若干,经鉴定确认其中有2新种,分别定名为斜纹鲻鰕虎鱼Mugilogobius obliquifasciatus Wu et Ni,sp.nov.和多鳞鲻鰕虎鱼Mugilogobiuspolylepis Wu et Ni,sp.nov.现将2新种的特征分别记述如下。
This paper describes two new species of Mugilogobius Smitt,collected from Shanghai,Fujian and Guangdong Province during 1963 to 1966,1978 to 1982.A key to Mugilogobius is given in the Chinese text for the present species and the other known species in China.The descriptions of the two new species are as follows.1.Mugilogobius obliquifasciatus Wu et Ni,sp.nov.(Figure 1)D.Ⅵ,Ⅰ-8;A.Ⅰ-8;P.16-17;V.Ⅰ-5;C.25-30.L.1.38-40;L.tr.11-12;predorsal scales 12-17.Depth 4.3-4.7 in length,head 3.7-4.1.Snout 3.6-4.0 in head,eye 3.5-4.1,interorbital 2.2-2.8.This new species is similar to the Mugilogobius abei(Jordan et Snyder)recorded from Japan and China in having 38-40 scales in a longitudinal series but differs in the coloration and the number of predorsal scales.In M.abei the anterior half of body with 5 broad vertical dark bands,posterior half with two longitudinal dark bands extending to base of caudal fin;the prcdor-sal scales 19-22,the foremost scale behind eye not enlarged;tongue concave anteriorly.The present species with 6 blackish broad bands on body,running from back obliquely downward and forward;head and opercle with black spots;middle of base of caudal fin with a round blackish spot;the predorsal scales 12-17,the foremost one being a large unpaired scale in the median line;tongue rounded.Holotype No.66-1064,length without caudal 45mm,collected from Haikou,Hainan Island,Guangdong Province,on March 14,1966.Paratypes 8,length 33-44mm.Nos.SH-10101,SH-10102 collected from Haikou,Hainan Island on Nov.13,1966;SH-11054,from Yinggehai,Hainan Island,on Dec.9,1966;66-1067,66-3683,66-3684,from Haikou Oct.on March 14,1966;SH78-0735,from Yunxiao,Fujian Province,on Oct.21,1978;SH79-1681,from Shanwei,Haifeng,Guangdong Province,on Oct 19,1979.The Holotype is deposited in the East China Sea Fisheries Institute.The paratypes are kept in the Shanghai Fisheries College and the East China Sea Fisheries Institute respectively.2.Mugilogobius polylepis Wu et Ni,sp.nov.(Figure 2)D.Ⅵ,Ⅰ-8-9;A.Ⅰ-8-9,P.17-19,V.Ⅰ-5;C.24-28.L.1.54-58,L.tr.18-20;predorsal scales 25-34.Depth 6.1-6.8 in length,head 3.3-4.2.Snout 3.5-4.1 in head,eye 3.5-4.1,interorbital 3.5-6.0.This new species is allied to Mugilogobius siitensis(Herre)recorded from the Philippines in having 54-58 scales in a longitudinal series but differs in the coloration and the shape of tongue.In M.siitensis the head and the body uniformly dark,without blackish blotches,the cheek without stripes and the tongue scarcely bilobate,but the present species with some irregular dark blotches on body and three longitudinal dark stripes on cheek and the tongue truncate anteriorly.Holotype No.S-0001,length without caudal 34mm.,collected from Zhonggang,Fengxian,Shanghai on April 23,1982.Paratype Nos.S-0002,S-0003,length 22-23mm.,from Nicheng,Nanhui,Shanghai on May 18,1982.All types are kept in the Shanghai Fisheries College.
Wu Hanling;Ni Yong(Shanghai Fisheries College;East China Sea Fisheries Institute,Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science,Qingdao)
New species