王锦蛇在我国分布广达16省(区),占疆土之大半。虽然如此,它仍属东洋界物种,亚热带类型之一代表。一、种的研究简史及亚种分化问题的提出 甘塞(Guenther,A.1858)依据浙江宁波的标本,首次将其定名为Elaphis sanr—omates;其后1864年在他的“不列颠印度的爬行动物”一书中,不仅沿用了原来的名称,而且将其他学者所定之名称归属于同物异名之中,但就在该书的295页上,他又依据仅一条来自中国的,但无具体地点的标本,却定为他属一新种Phyllophis carinata前者腹鳞数为204—214,尾下鳞64—82;后者分别为223和97枚。他以腹鳞数在200枚以上作为两个属的重要分属特征,而忽略了两属究竟有何本质差别,因而导致了上述结果。
Elaphe carinata inhabits 16 provinces in China.A new subspecies,Elaphc carinata deqinensis Yang ct Su was found in Transhimalayas from Yunnan in 1980.The type specimens are deposited in Kunming Institute of Zoology.HOLOTYPE KIZ No.801327 Yunnan Deqin Xian (德钦县),28°39’N,99°10’E,altitude 2900m,12th June 1980 ALLOTYPE KIZ No.801339,Yunnan Deqin Xian,altitude 2900 m,12th June 1980.PARATYPES 9,all specimens were collected from Yunnan Deqin Xian,altitudes 2010-3200 m,from 24th of May to 15th June 1980.DIAGNOSIS The new subspecies of Elaphe carinata is different from the nominate subspecies E,c.carinata in.1 ) Total length 1200 mm (the largest one of 10,adults),2 ) The scales on the head,without black edge and yellow centre,therefore,do not form a black 31-shape mark on the prefrontal;3 ) The scales on the neck exhibit 25 rows.In addition,their living environment is completely different:E.carinata dcqinensis lives in the dry and hot river valley,while the nominate one on the mountainous regions,hills,plains etc.All of these characters are considered as the results of adaptation to special environments.
Yang Datong;Su Chenye(Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica)