[虫非]蠊,俗名蟑螂,属于昆虫纲,[虫非]蠊目。全世界已知种类约3500多种。在我国见于报道的已有11科,48属,168种以上,其中绝大多数为野外生活的种群,在人居住和工作室内常见的[虫非]蠊仅有七种。这些室内种类不仅传播多种疾病,特别是消化道传染病,而且还能咬坏家庭各种用品,令人厌恶。所以[虫非]蠊之害不亚于苍蝇、蚊虫、老鼠等。 随着调查研究工作的不断深入发展,新的种类也会陆续发现,为了促进这方面工作的发展,我们对我国常见七种室内[虫非]蠊中四种的酯酶同工酶和苹果酸脱氢酶同工酶的酶谱作了比较研究,可供分类的参考。本文报告我们的实验研究结果。
An investigation on the isozyme patterns of esterase and malic dehydroge-nase of Periplaneta japonica,Periplaneta fuliginosa,Blattella germanica and Periplaneta americana was done.Though all revealed 6-7 bands,yet all these 4 indoor species show significant differences in the Rf value of esterase isozymes.Malic dehydrogenasc gives 3 or 4 bands,showing some species-difference,but not so obvious as seen in esterase.Blattella germanica is much more different from the rest 3 species.The significance of these findings needs further elucidation.
Ye Binghui;Shen Shibi(Nanjing Medical College)