近年,我们从云南西北部采到茸足蚤属(Geusibia Jordan,1932)一新种。兹记述如下: 云南茸足蚤Geusibia yunnanensis,新种 鉴别特征 本新种与我国四川的半圆茸足蚤(G.hemisphaera Liu,Chen et Liu,1981)接近。与该种的重要区别是:♂,1)抱器体后缘中部无粗短的指形突;2)第8腹板基部仅有一条骨化杆,中部缺乏稍淡的骨化弯钩;3)可动突最宽处在中段;4)第9腹板后臂相当于膨部的钩状突形状不同而较宽;5)阳茎钩突端膨大,较圆。♀,第7腹板后突通常有浅凹,凹陷的下方有明显的后腹角或齿突。
Geusibia yunnanensis sp. nov. Diagnosis. This new species is related to G. hemisphaera Liu, chen ct Liu, 1981 from Sichuan, China, but differs from the latter by the following characters: in male, l)posterior margin of clasper without a thumb-like projection at middle;2) the base of st. VIII merely a single sclerotized rod;3) the movable prosess widest at middle;4) hamulus of distal arm of st. IX different in shape and much wider;5) the apex of crochet expanded and rounded. In female, postero-ventral projection of st. VII usually with a shallow sinus, its apex of postero-ventral margin with a obviously angle or tooth-like projection below sinus. Type specimens. Holotype male, allotype female, paratypes 4 males and 20 females off Ochotona thibetana collected in July, 1980 from Jianchuan County, western Yunnan, another pair of paratypes off Apodemus chevrieri and Apodemus speciosus latronum, its locality and time of collection same with the holotype. Body length: male 2.2-3.4mm.;female 2.3-3.2mm., All types are deposited in the Research Institute of Epidemic Diseases of Yunnan.
Xie Baoqi;Gong Zhenda(Research Institute of Epidemic Diseases of Yunnan)