至今已知的蛇毒激肽释放酶作用于激肽原后都释放舒缓激肽,仅食鱼蝮(Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus)蛇毒激肽释放酶既释放舒缓激肽,又释放胰激肽(Iwanaga,1979)。今对浙江蝮蛇毒激肽释放酶Ⅰ作用于激肽原后的产物作了鉴定,证实也是舒缓激肽。因此蝮蛇毒激肽释放酶不同于哺乳动物的组织激肽释放酶,后者释放胰激肽(Fiedler,1979)。
The HMW-kininogen and LMW-kininogen from the bovine plasma were partially purified.Contrary to the LMW-kininogen,the yield of HMW-kininogen was rather low as a result of the spontaneous activation by plasma kallikrein during the separation.The digestion product released from the LMW-kininogen by kallikrein I from the snake venom (Agkistrodon halys Pallas) was purified.This kinin was confirmed as bradykinin on the base of the behavior on the paper chromatography and high voltage electrophoresis,the N-terminal residue determination as well as the biological assay.
Wang Xinmin;Qi Zhengwu(Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Academia Sinica)