左斜歪白蚁Capritermes laevulobliquus新种 兵蚁(图1.a—f;表Ⅰ)
Capritermes laevlobliquus sp. nov. Soldier (Figs 1. a-f;table I ) Body medium. Head deplanate tube-shaped, almost parallel-sided (fig. 1. a). Head-capsule orange colour, brownish yellow in front. Mandibles blackish brown. Antennal segments orango-yellow. Labrum yellowish white. Thorax yellow, pronotum deeper in colouration. Abdomen and legs white. Imago (Figs 2. a-e;table II ) Head-capsule, pronotum brown. Mandibles, antennal segments, labial palpi, legs brownish yellow. Labrum, anteclypeus white, wing yellowish brown, semihyaline, with darker veins. Thorax and notum of abdominal segmentes brown with lighter conjunctives. Body covered thickly with hairs, wing menbranc densely puncturated. Measurements of soldiers and imagoes see tables I,II. Comparisons:This new species is closely allied to C. nitobei (Shiraki). It differs from the latter in: 1. The tip of left mandible of soldier of the new species distinctly left inclined (fig. 1. c 1);the width of anterior part of post-mentum is two times or more than its narrowest middle part. 2. The distance of ocellus from eye of imago is less than half of the length of ocellus, but greater than that from eye to lower margin of head. 3. The rest measurements are less than C. nitobei (see table III). Holotype: soldier, Yaoshan-Tiekeng reservoir, Meixian County, Guangdong Province. Host plant: under grass roots. 1981. IV. 18. collected by Chen Junhe (No.6600), paratypes: soldiers, imagoes, workers locality as above, deposited in Guangdong Institute of Entomology,
Zhu Jianlin;Chen Junhe(Guangdong Institute of Entomology)