This paper deals with the descriptions of four new genera and seven new species of grasshoppers from Hengduan Shan Range of China. Type specimens are deposited in the Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology, Academia Sinica. Xining, Qinghai Province. Podismopsis litangensis sp. nov. (fig. 1-4, pl.I 1,2) The new species is allied to Podismopsis altaica (Zub.). It differs by the following characters. 1. The valves of the ovipositer slender, upper valve without excision, upper side of upper valve and under side of under valve with serrations. 2. Arolium of hind tarsus large, reaching to the middle of claw in the male and extending over the middle of claw in the female. 3. Vertex of male slightly oblique. Holotypeo, allotype, paratype 43, 10, Litang Sichuan, 3,800 -4,200m, 1977. K. 16., Yin Xiangchu. Podismopsis breviptera sp. nov. (fig.5-8, pl. I. 3,4) Allied to Podismopsis gelida Mir., but elytra of male shorter, costal vein of elytra very thick, white;the maximum width of costal vein area slightly wider than the maximum width of subcostal vein area and upper side of upper valve and under r-ide of under valve of ovipositer almost smooth, without distinct serrations. Holotype, allotype paratype 2, 2, Litang Sichuan 4,300m, 1973. ? 16., Yin Xiangchu. Kangacris gen. nov. Type-species. Kangacris rufipes sp. nov. The new genus is allied to Anaptygus Mistshenko. It differs by the following characters. 1. Hind margin of pronotum not excised in the middle. 2. Lateral carinac of pronotum distinctly curved into obtuse-angulate. 3. The size of median ocellus as same as lateral ocelli. Kangacris rufipes sp. nov. (fig. 9-13 pl. I . 5,6) Holotype, allotype, paratype 7, 8, Kangding Sichuan, 2,600-2,800m, 1973. IX. 18., Yin Xiangchu;paratype 12, 4, Ganzi Sichuan 3,325-3,450m, 1973. IX. 9., Li Jijun. Macrokangacris gen. nov. Type-species. Macrokangacris luteoarmilla sp. nov. The new genus is allied to Kangacris gen, nov. It differs by the following characters. 1. Foveolae short, the length about 2 times longer than width. 2. Frontal ridge slightly oblique, nearly vertical in the female. 3. Tympanal aperture nearly circular. 4. Epiphallus fully sclerotized, lophi conical and vertical with lateral plates. Macrokangacris luteoarmilla sp. nov. (fig. 14-17, pl. ?.7,8) Holotype, allotype, paratype 1, 2, Batang Sichuan 2, 600m, 1973 IX. 10-14., Yin Xiangchu. Pseudoasonus gen. nov. Type-species. Pseudoasonus yushuensis sp. nov. The new genus is allied to Anaptygus Mistshenko, but lower carinula on the inner side of hind femur without stridulatory pegs, not sounded. Pseudoasonus yushuensis sp. nov. (fig. 18-22, pl. II . 1,2) Holotype, allotype, paratype 27, 51, Yushu Qinghai 4,000m, 1963. IX. 23., Yin Xiangchu. Pseudoasonus kangdingensis sp. nov. (fig. 23-26, pl. II. 3,4) The new species is allied to Pseudoasonus yushuensis sp. nov., but vertex obtuse, rectangular in the male and obtuse-angulate in the female and the epiphallus broad bridge-shaped. Holotype allotype, paratype, Kangding Sichuan 3,600m, 1977. IX 18., Li Jijun;paratypel, Kangding Sichuan 3600m, 1973. IX. 11., Li Jijun. Dianacris gen. nov. Type-species: Dianacris- choui.sp. nov. The new genus is close to Eoscyllina Rehn 1909 and Anaptygus Mistshenko 1951.It differs from the former by the hind margin of pronotum excised in the middle and elytra scale-shaped, lateral and from the latter by the antennae ensiform. Dianacris choui sp. nov. (fig. 27-30, pl II . 5,6) Holotypeo, allotype, paratype 3, 1, Lijiang Yunnan 2,650 -3,750 m, 1974. V1. 12-14., Chou Io & Yuan Feng.
Yin Xiangchu(Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology,Academia Sinica)