金边土鳖Opisthoplatia orientalis Burm是华南特有的药用昆虫,它与华东的中华真地鳖Eupolyhaga sinensis Walk同目不同科;金边土鳖属姬嫌科Phyllodromidae,但二者药理作用近似,均具有活血化淤;驱风湿,治骨折及妇科病的功效。近年因野生药源供不应求,推广家养,在饲养过程中仍存在不少问题。故需对其进行深入研究。本文报导金边土鳖消化道内壁的扫描电镜观察结果。
The inner wall of digestive tract of Opisthoplatia orientalis Burm was investigated by scanning electron microscope. The digestive tract of Opisthoplatia orientalis Burm is divided into fore-gut, mid-gut and hind-gut, The fore-gut and hind-gut are originated from the invagination of ectoderm. The intestinal cavity are lined with an inner membrane which is the formation of secretion of intestinal cell;the surface of inner membrane is cutinized and formed spine-like cutinous papilla. The shape of their spine-like papillae is varied with the different function of intestinal sites where they located. The mid-gut is originated from mesoderm, the papillae at the surface of intestinal cell formed micro-villi, under scanning electron microscope, the micro-villi can be seen obviously.
Lu Aiping(Zhongshan University,Research Institute of Entomology)