一九八○年作者在辽宁省千山进行吸血蠓调查中,发现库蠓属(Culicoides Latreille,1809)的一新种,现描述如下:千山库蠓Culicoides qianshanensis,新种(图A—F)
Culicoides qianshanensis, sp. nov. (figs A-F) Closely allied to C. kurekathaicus Dzhafarov, but without first anterior marginal white spot of the wings and structure of genitalia is different. Holotype Female, Liaoning (Qianrhan, 10. E. 1980) Paratype Male, fame as holotype. The type specimens arc prcscd in this Station,
Fei shouhua(Sanitary and E pidemiological station of Liaoning Province,Shenyang)