黄喉鹀(Emberiza elegans ticehursti Sushkin)是著名的笼鸟。繁殖期的分布范围从日本、朝鲜到我国东北、小兴安岭、长白山等地;冬季则南迁到华北、华中、西南等地越冬。笔者于1962年—1963年3—5月在蛟河县老爷岭对黄喉鹀的生态作了观察和记录。又于1980年5—8月在吉林省永吉县大顶子山、五服山等地进行了系统观察,现将观察结果报导如下。
Yellow-throated bunting (Emberiza elegans ticehursti Sushkin) are a famous cage bird. Studies on their breeding ecology were carried out during the years 19 62-1963 and from March to may 1980. Ressults obtained may be summarized as follows. 1. Yellow-throated bunting are a summer brid in the Jilin province being distributed mainly in the bush forest and broadleaf forest. 2. The Yellow-throated build their nests in holes of bush forest and broad-leaf forest. Height of nest are 5.1 (5- 7) cm;depth 4.9 (4-5) cm and inneer diameter 6.7 (6-7) cm, exterior diameter 12.1 (11-13) cm. 3. Only one clutch is laid every year. The number of eggs (5 nests)-of every clutch is 4-6. An egg laid each day in the morning between 4:00-6:00, The eggs are ellipse in shape and white in colour, with many brown spots. 29 eggs average 18.2 (17.5 - 19.2) × 15.4 (14.9 - 15.5)mm. average weight is 2.2 (2.1-2.5) gms 4. Both the male and female share in responsible for the incubation. Incubation of eggs lasts for about 13-14 days. The percentage of hatch is about 5. Both male and female share in feeding the young.They feed on the young about 75 times per day. The maximum number of visits occur during 5:00-6:00 and 12,00-13.00. 6. At the time of hatching the young are nake with closed eyes. Their average is 34.2 (31-37)mm in body length and 2.9 (2.8-3) gms in body weight. They are capable of opening eyes on the 5th day after hatching. They are fed for 12-13 days befor leaving the nest. During this period, their body weight increases to 18.4 gams in the 12th day. Then, their body weight does not increase and on the contrary becomes slightly decreased. The Hedged young average a.bout 17.1 gms in body weight, and 116.5 (108.4-11.7) mm in lenghth.
Yang Xueming(Natural Museum of Jilin Province)