条纹纤恙螨Leptotrombidium(Leptotrombidium) striatum 由 Nadchatram 等(1964)首先在东南亚发现。通过调查证实,条纹纤恙螨在我国上海、江苏及安徽数量甚多,而且发现它的季节高峰与已确认的恙虫病媒介小盾纤恙螨 L.(L.) scutellaris(Nagago,1921)相似。为了探索条纹纤恙螨的生物学特性以及与疾病的关系,作者首先对其生活史进行了研究,并首发现了它的若虫和成虫,随即对其形态进行了观察。本文就条纹纤恙螨的若虫和成虫的形态描述如下。
The present paper is the first one which describes the external structure of nymph and adult of Leptotromhidium (Leptotrobidium) striatum Naclchatram et al., 1964. The specimens were collected in Jiang-su. Description of nymph. 5 specimens were reared from larva. A marked constriction between propodosotna and hysterosoma, pale yellow in color while living, body 729-857u in length, not including gnathosoma. Eyes absent. Body setae varied in length, the shorter ones (10-13u) all over the body- the longer ones (54-58u) near the posterior margin of the scnsillary area;and the longest ones (88-102u) situated along the posterior margins of hysterosoma. Gnathosoma.
Chen Xingbao(Bengbu Medical College)