在调查兰州陆栖寡毛类的过程中,发现一新亚种,现记述如下。河北环毛蚓兰州新亚种Pheretima tschiliensis Michaelsen lanzhouensis subsp.nov.外部特征:体长245—310毫米,宽6~7毫米,体节数111~149(模式:长310毫米,宽7毫米,体节139节)。体圆柱形。土黄色、背中线深灰色。口前叶为1/2上叶式。背孔自12/13节间始。环带占ⅩⅣ~ⅩⅥ节,较长(7~8毫米),无刚毛和背孔(仅1条标本有背孔)。
A new subspecies belonging to Pheretima is described as follows;Pheretima tschiliensis lanzhouensis subsp.nov.Type locality:Lanzhou,Kansu Province.Description;Length 245-310mm;diameter 6-7mm.Segments 111-149.Body cylindrical.Prostomium epilobous.First dorsal pore in 12/13.Clitellum in xiv-xvi,without setae.Setae fine,closely arranged,32-40 on iii,50 on v,35-46 on vi,46-55 on viii,formulla:14-17 (vi),16-24(viii),8-14 (xviii),Ventral setae aa about 1.2-2 times as ab before the clitellum,about 2 times as ab behind the clitellum;dorsal setae zz about 1.2-2 times as yz before the clitellum,2 times as yz behind the clitellum.Female pore single,mid-ventral on xiv,surrounded by a circular white area.Male pores paired within shallow copulatory pouches opening onto xviii,usually with one small flat papilla in pouches.Spermathecal pores 3 paired,ventrally,inconspicuous in 6/7,7/8,8/9;ca.1/3 ventral apart.Genital papillae absent.Septa 5/6-7/8 thickened,9/10 absent but 8/9 traceable ventrally and me-mbraneously,10/11 backward membranous.Gizzard in segments ix and x.Intestine caeca complex,in xxvii-xxiii,with dis- tinct ventral indentations.Intestine swelling in segment xv.Last lateral hearts in xiii.Paired lymph glands along dorsal vessel behind caecnl region.Holandric,testes sac paired,in x and xi.Seminal vesicles in xi and xii.Prostate gland small in xvii-xix.Prostatic ducts V-shaped.Spermathecae paired in vii,viii,ix.Ampulla spherical,surface wrinkled into transverse line.Diverticulum equal in length to main pouch,ental 2/3 closely twisted in zigzag fashion.Ampulla 2 mm.Wide and 2 mm.long;ampulla duct 2 mm.long and 1.2 mm.at its widest part.The differences between the new subspecies and other geographical races of Pheretima tschiliensis are given in table 1.
Feng Xiaoyi(Medical College of Lanzhou,Kansu)