本文就我国四川峨眉山产麻蝇一新属、新种和甘肃舟曲产一新种进行了记述。所有模式标本均保存在军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所。 翼麻蝇属Pterosarcophaga Ye,新属 模式种:Pterosarcophaga emeishanensis Ye et Ni,新种 属征:雄性:触角很长,末端几达口前缘处,第三节约为第二节的4.5倍长,颊高约为眼高的1/4;前胸侧板中央凹陷无毛,中鬃仅小盾前1对;背中鬃4+5。第五腹板侧叶内缘有极密集的刷状鬃毛簇。雄性尾器:肛尾叶后面观亚基部两侧向外方显著扩展呈翼状;膜状突呈薄片状,单个;侧阳体腹突较发达。 本属与亚麻蝇属(Parasarcophaga Johnston et Tiegs,1921)近缘,但本属触角很长;颊低;第五腹板有刷状鬃毛簇。
The present paper deals with 1 new genus and species from Sichuan and I new species from Gansu. All of them belong to Sarcophagini, Sarcophagidae. The types arc deposited in the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology. Pterosarcophaga Ye, gen. nov. Type species: pterosarcophaga emeishancnsis Ye et Ni, sp. nov. Generic diagnoses. : Antennae very long, length of 3rd segment 4.5 times that of the 2nd;bucca about one fourth as high as an eye;depression of propleura bare;ac only a pair of prescutellar;dc 4 + 5;inner margin of lateral lobe of 5th sternite densely covered with brushy bristles. terminalia: sub-basal part of anal ccrcus expanded, wing-shaped in caudal view;membranous processes leaflet-like, simple;ventral processes of basal part of para-phallus developed (figs. 1 - 3).
Ye Zong-mao;Ni Tao;Liu Zeng-jia(Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology,Academy of Military Medical Sciences,PLA,Beijing,China;(Department of parasitology,Wuhan Medical College;Institute of Military Medical Sciences,Lanzhou)