中国科学院动物研究所考察队在西藏察隅采到一种病蚤属跳蚤,经签定后认为系一新种,现描述如下。 察隅病蚤(新种)Nosopsyllus (Nosopsyllus) chayuensis Wang et Liu 鉴别特征 本新种与采自土耳其阿达纳的Nosopsyllus sarinus(Jordan et Rothschild,1921)、印度西姆拉的Nosopsyllus simla(Jordan et Rothschild,1921)和印度旁遮普的Nosopsyllus punjabensis(Jordan et Rothschild,1921)等很相似。但N.sarinus雄蚤第8背板背端向上翘起,阳茎钩突端部向后延伸且呈斜截状;而新种雄蚤第8背板背端略向下弯,阳茎钩突呈鹰嘴状。
Nosopsyllus (Nosopsyllus) chayuensis sp. nov. Head with frontal tubercle. pronotal comb with 18 spines. Apical spinlets of metanotum and I-IV abdominal segments on two side together are 4, 4, 4,3,2. Movable process of clasper ear-shaped, about 2.5 times as broad. Its posterior margin with a small hump just below the second long bristle. Distal arm of 9 st. with two stoutish bristles and 1 - 2 small setae below sinus. Longest apical bristle of hind tarsal segment II reaching beyond apex of III. Upper antesensilial bristle of male thinner than the middle. Holotypc single male collected from Cha-yu, Xizang on August 22,1973. Host unknown.
Wang Dun-qing;Liu Quan(Fuiian Research Institute of Epidemic Diseases;Academy Military Medical Sciences,China)