本实验应用Nissl法、单胺荧光组织化学法和逆行荧光标记与单胺荧光组织化学结合技术对大白鼠中缝背核的组织结构及其向尾壳核(CP)复合体的定位投射进行了观察。结果表明,中缝背核(NRD)可分为五个细胞群:尾侧细胞群、背内侧细胞群、腹内侧细胞群、外侧细胞群和前侧细胞群;大量的5-羟色胺细胞分布于NRD的各个细胞群,少量儿茶酚胺(CA)细胞只见于外侧细胞区。在CP复合体注射逆行荧光化合物快兰(Fast Blue 253/50以下简称FB)之后,中缝背核内出现不少FB标记的5—HT细胞,这些投射于CP复合体的细胞主要位于背内侧细胞群和腹内侧细胞群。本实验结果为进一步研究NRD的功能提供了形态学依据。
The nucleus raphe dorsalis(NRD)of albino rat has been studied by several histological and histofluorescence methods.The main results were described as follows.1.Based on Nissl-ctained material,five high cell density areas could be difined in the NRD,that are the caudal cell group,dorsomedian cell group,ventromedical cell group,lateral cell group and rostral cell group.Three types of neurons could be observed from the results of the tran verse sections of the NRD:Small-round neurons which appeared to be particularly numerous in the lateral cell group of the NRD had a diameter of 9±3μm;The medium-sized-fusiform cells with a diameter of 17±2μm were equally distributed over the five areas of the NRD;The large-multipolar neuron:with a diameter of 31±3μm were only situated in the lateral cell group of the NRD.2.With the hisiofluoreseence material,the types of icrotoninergic and noradrenergic neurons could be identified.The former distributed evenly in the NRD;and the latter always appeared in the lateral cell group of this nucleus.3.From the observation of the acetylcholinestcrase(AchE)histochemical material,no AchE positive cell;could be found in the NRD.4.With combined use of histofluorescence and fluorescent retrograde tracing,it wa;found that a projection from the NRD to the caudatoputamencomplex originates from serotoninergic cells in the dorsomedian and ventro-medial cell groups of the NRD.The data presented in this paper extends our knowledge of the nucleus raphe dorsalis,and provides a guide for further studies of the function of this nucleus.
Dong Xinwen(Shanghai Institute of Physiology,Academia Sinica)
Nucleus raphe dorsalis Albino rat The combined use of histofluorescence and fluorescent retrograde tracing Organization Projection