在编写《云南省动物志》的准备工作中,我们又一次整理了云南境内的平鳍鳅科鱼类标本,从中发现平鳍鳅亚科鱼类二新种,现描述于下。长体爬鳅Balitora elongata Chen et Li,新种(图1)正模编号839072,全长80毫米,体长62毫米。1983年9月采自云南漾濞河(属澜沧江水系)。副模编号748791,839073,839074分别于1974年8月、1983年9月采自漾濞河。745049,745050于1974年5月采自勐腊县曼庄(属澜沧江水系)。
The present paper reports two new species of homalopteridae fishes from Yunnan.They are diagnosed as follows.Balitora elogata Chen et Li,sp.nov.Holotype.No.839072,standard length 62 mm.,from Yangbi River.Paratypes.5 specimens,standard length 62-70 mm.,from the same river system as holotype.D.3,85 A.2,5;P.10-11,11-12;V.3-4,8-10.L.I.65-67.This new species is similar to Balitora brucei Gray,but differs from the later in having a slender body,depth in length 8.9(8.2-9.3)vs.6.7;more undivided rays in pectoral fins,10-11 vs.8;and more rays in ventral fins,3-4,8-10 vs.2,6;and having a wider head.Hemimyzon megalopseos Li et Chen,sp.nov.Holotype.No 774193,standard length 61 mm.,collected at Yiliang,Yunnan Province.Paratypes.10 specimens,standard length 49-69 mm.,from the same locality as holotype.D.2,7-8;A.2,5;P.10-11,11-12;V.3-4,10-11.L.I.75-78.The present species is closely allied to Hemimyzon formosanum(Bou-lenger),but the former can be easily distinguished from the latter by the following characters.Its eye is larger,the diameter of eye contains 4.0-4.6 times in length of head vs.6.4-7.2 times.Distance between inner bases of pectoral fins is as long as the base of pectoral fin,while it is much smaller in Hemimyzon formosanum(Boulenger).L.I.75-78 vs.67-72.The new species is also similar to Hemimyzon macroplera Zheng from the same river system but differs from the latter in fin formulae.P.10-11,10-12 v.12,13-14;V.3-4,10-11.6-7,13-14.All the type specimens are kept in the Kunming Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica.
Li Zaiyun;Chen Yinrui(Kunming Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica)
Yunnan Fishes New species Homalopteridae