

Examples of Typographical Errors in Jinpingmei Cihua(《金瓶梅词话》)
摘要 《金瓶梅词话》中字句错讹多如牛毛,尽管前修时贤已做了大量的校订工作,然而离扫清字词障碍还有很大差距。造成校正困难的原因主要有两个。一是考校者对《词话》粗制滥造的印制过程缺乏正确的认知,大都在表面规范的楷书刻本内考虑问题,不足以应对《词话》本文的复杂性。二是《词话》的语言是方言口语,考校者欠缺方言俗语方面的知识储备。校释《词话》须转变传统的思维模式,若一味从规整的楷书字着眼,往往歧路亡羊,难得真相。本文将《词话》形误字归纳为三种类型:(1)误识行草书造成的形误,(2)误分行草书造成的形误,(3)误识异体字造成的形误。由于古籍无不经历手写阶段,这三类讹误对校释其他古籍也有借鉴意义。 There are many errors and mistakes in Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua(《金瓶梅词话》).Although former scholars have made a lot of revision,it is far from overcoming the obstacles of words and expressions.There are two main reasons for difficulties in calibration.First,the examiners,who lacked correct understanding of the rough printing process of Cihua,considered the problem mostly in the seemingly standard regular script,which can not truly deal with the complexity of the text of Cihua.Second,Cihua is written in spoken dialect.The examiners lack preparation for knowledge in dialect and colloquialism.The traditional mode of thinking must be changed in the proofreading and interpretation of Cihua.If we only focus on the regular script,it is often diffi cult to fi nd the truth.This article categorizes the typographical errors in Jinpingmei Cihua(《金瓶梅词话》)into three types:(1)the typographical errors of misrecognition of the cursive script,(2)the typographical errors of misrecognition of the variant characters,(3)the typographical errors of error separation of the font parts.Since all ancient books go through the handwriting stage,the three types of errors can also be used for reference in the proofreading and interpretation of other ancient books.
作者 杨琳 YANG Lin
机构地区 南开大学文学院
出处 《汉字汉语研究》 2022年第3期31-44,126,共15页 The Study Of Chinese Characters And Language
基金 国家社科基金项目“《金瓶梅》词汇研究百年终结”(18BYY151)的阶段性成果。
关键词 金瓶梅词话 形误字 俗字 Jinpingmei Cihua(《金瓶梅词话》) typographical error popular form of characters
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